Leads are one of the most important aspects of any marketing campaign for a business. The number and type of leads that you get will help you determine if your campaign is headed in the right direction and if the methods that you are utilising are the right ones for getting the desired results. However, generating leads can be time-consuming and it is not always easy to do. Buying leads is nothing new, but if you are thinking about going down this route to get more leads for your home improvement company, then there are several important factors to consider.
Where You Are Purchasing From
The most important thing to consider is where you are purchasing leads from and how reputable the company is. It’s important to ensure that you are purchasing unique, verified leads and that the information is compliant with data protection laws. This means that you should only purchase leads when the individuals whose data you are purchasing have given their permission for it to be passed on. Lead Igniter is a pay per lead agency offering unique and highly qualified leads to help you grow your business. They specialise in consumer lead generation, so you can rely on them to be able to sell you leads that are actually interested in the home improvement services you offer.
How Complete the Records Are
When purchasing leads, the last thing that you want is incomplete records and information that you will struggle to use to get in touch with the individuals behind the information to let them know more about your company. To get an idea of how complete the data you will receive is going to be, then it’s a good idea to ask for a random sample of data first. While getting complete records for every single sales lead is mostly impossible, you should at least be provided with enough information to get a good view of the individual and be able to contact them.
Have Leads Been Able to Opt-In or Out?
Before purchasing leads, it’s important to ensure that the leads you are purchasing have been given the option to give their consent. Make sure that you are working with a provider that only sells the names of people that want to be sold. Find out more about the process that the provider uses to verify this, including sending emails to ask individuals for their permission, and filtering out the information of any that bounced, didn’t reply, or clicked the opt-out option.
Is the List Rented or Owned?
Finally, find out if you will be renting or owning the list. Essentially, you can use the list for the same purposes either way but renting a list can be much cheaper compared to buying one. This can be an ideal choice if you can get conversions, but on the other hand, if you are struggling to even get in touch, the cost of renting lists can add up.
While there are lots of options for generating leads, sometimes, purchasing leads is a quick and simple way to get a boost for your home improvement business. But before you go ahead, keep these questions in mind to ensure you are making the right decision.