It is not so easy to launch a thriving career nowadays. If you are job searching, you should definitely read the article below and stop believing these 15 job search myths that most people still take for granted. We will break all job search myths that hinder your way towards a successful career. Let’s take a look!
Myth #1 University degree is a key to a well-paid job
You don’t have to worry if you don’t have a university degree. You still can find a well-paid sustainable job. In fact, getting a degree can’t guarantee you career success. Employers want to find a committed person who possesses necessary skills and is willing to learn new things.
Myth #2 You have to memorise all answers to interview questions
Once you’ve got an invitation, it is the best time for job interview preparation. It is advisable to look at common interview questions and think of the best responses. However, you don’t have to memorise them all! First of all, you will sound unnatural and like a robot. Moreover, you won’t be able to control your gestures and tone of voice.
Myth #3 You don’t need to write a cover letter to get an interview
It is true that some recruiters don’t even read it, but still, the majority do. So, channel all your efforts in creating an outstanding cover letter and try to avoid common cover letter mistakes. A cover letter will only make your application stronger. It is your chance to highlight your best skills, knowledge, and emphasise your interest and desire to work for a particular company.
Myth #4 Social media will not help in your job search
The fact that applying for jobs online doesn’t work and you can’t get a job through social media is so not true. Employers widely use social media for their recruiting purposes. Hiring managers post jobs on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as using it to find potential employees. You have to take care of your social media profiles, make them professional and up-to-date, and don’t miss great career opportunities.
Myth #5 No one hires during holidays
Many job seekers mistakenly believe that the hiring process stops during the holidays and they shouldn’t even bother to look for a new job. There is usually a hiring slowdown during holidays, but despite it not being a peak of the recruiting period, it still goes on, and job openings have to be filled. It may take a little bit longer, but you still have all the chances to land a job.
Myth #6 It is too late to switch careers
It is never too late for a job change. If you are not satisfied with your current role, nothing has to stop you from applying for a new job. Learn as much information as possible about your new career field. See what skills and knowledge you already have, which you have to acquire, and focus on your transferable skills. Take additional classes or training in order to get some qualification in a new career field.
Myth #7 More resumes mean more interview invitations
Mass mailing thousands of copies of the same resume to employers will not bring you any luck in your job search. Focus on creating customised resumes for companies you really want to work in. Create a high-quality tailored resume that will meet all the requirements and will show that you are the perfect fit for the position.
Myth #8 You will be granted a job with a creative resume
Job seekers do their best in order to stand out with creative resumes. They believe that a graphic design resume or an infographic resume is a highway to any job. A creative resume can draw recruiters’ attention, but they care more about your professional skills, experience and knowledge, so it’s better to focus on these sections unless you are a graphic designer.
Myth #9 It is impossible to get a job without experience
If you lack experience even for an entry-level job, then you should aim to get some. The best way to launch a successful career is to go volunteering in the field or industry you are interested in. You will acquire important skills, knowledge and abilities. More recruiters want to see some voluntary background in a resume with no work experience. So if you have some, you will become more employable on the spot.
Myth #10 Only the most qualified job seekers get a high-paid job
Years of extensive experience isn’t the be all and end all to recruiters. The most important factors for them are your education, skills, abilities, desire to learn new things and the passion for your job. Prove that you are competitive enough and can perform duties effectively, and the highest paying jobs will be open for you.
Myth #11 Low salary demands will make you more employable
Never ever lower your expected salary demands. It will not make you more attractive. By lowering your salary demands, you will seem desperate to get a job. You don’t have to overvalue your salary expectations either. It has to be acceptable for similar positions. One more tip: don’t try to start salary negotiations, let your recruiter be the first to talk about money.
Myth #12 You have to go into detail about your previous experience
There is no need to describe all your previous experience in detail. Check out professional resume examples and keep your CV as short and relevant as possible. Just give the main idea of your responsibilities and the biggest achievements.
Myth #13 Engaging with recruiters in advance will kill your success
Hiring managers would welcome brief professional follow-ups. Be proactive. If you want to know whether they have received your resume or not, call a recruiter. You can also call if you want to know the results of your interview. It will show a high level of commitment and your interest in a position.
Myth #14 The only thing you need to get an interview is your resume
Thank you letters can have the same power as your resume and cover letter. Therefore, it is highly advisable to send one. Actually, few job seekers do this, so it will help you stand out. It will be a good sign of your respect and interest in a job. In addition, it is your chance to add any crucial information that you didn’t manage to mention during your interview.
Myth #15 If you didn’t get a quick response, then you got turned down
Hiring managers get hundreds of resumes for a single job opening. They are often swamped, so it is impossible to answer all inquiries in a short period of time. Most likely, you will never be contacted by recruiters straight away after you have applied. It will take a week or even more to hear back from them.
Now you know what misconceptions were keeping you from career success!
About the author
Alice Berg is a blogger and a career advisor at Skillroads, who helps people to find their own way in life, gives career advice and guidance, helps young people to prepare for their careers. You can find Alice on Twitter.