We all know that when it comes to job hunting having a great CV is crucial to your success.
One of the biggest challenges that job seekers face is ensuring that their CV stands out from the crowd. When recruiters are trawling through hundreds of other applications, what will make yours better than the rest? Well, there are two key areas that you need to get right: content and formatting.
When putting your CV together you should ensure that it is clear, concise and easy to read. The golden rule is your CV should never be longer than two pages no matter how much experience you have. If you are applying for creative roles, it is now easier than ever to boost the design of your CV to both show off your skills and make it more visually appealing. While a plain word document is fine, doing more could set you apart from your competition.
If you want to get creative with your CV design, be sure to bear in mind your audience. If you are applying for a role with a forward-thinking design company then being imaginative with your CV is a great idea. However, if you are applying to join a more formal and traditional business then keep your design professional and use only subtle flairs to stand out.
Moving onto your CV content, it’s important to show off the skills and achievements you have that relate to the role you are applying for. Including a personal profile is a great way to instantly show your potential employer that you are a great fit for the role.
Many job seekers, however, find it difficult to write about their strengths and successes without feeling like they are boasting. In everyday life, boasting is generally an unattractive quality that rubs people up the wrong way. So, how can you find the balance of selling yourself without sounding big-headed?
We’re taking a look at some superhero CVs to give you inspiration on how to show off your own superpowers. Silver Swan Recruitment have created CVs for some of the most iconic Avengers. Take a look and see if they inspire you and give your job search mission a boost.