Whether you are fresh out of college looking to join university, or a working professional looking to further your education or change careers, finding the right university to attend is essential. You need a university that will give you the right education to meet your career goals. Two of the most crucial factors you look at when selecting an institution include course quality and accreditation. However, while these are the major ones, there are a couple of other factors that are essential for your well-being as a student. Some of the other details you should not overlook include the following:
Facilities at the University
The right facilities are essential because they meet your specific needs as a student. Consider factors such as a library and study areas, research centres, IT and printing labs, among many others. Before you enrol at a university, check if they have all the facilities that are essential for the completion of your degree.
Amenities aren’t really basic needs, but you need them for comfort and fun at the university. They can help you in achieving the right study life balance so that you don’t end up stressed at the end of the day. A little enjoyment after a long day of lectures can play a big role in helping you avoid stress. It’s also a good way to relax and recharge your body and brain so that you are fully focused the next day. Examples of amenities to look for in universities include football fields, restaurants, movie theatres, fitness centres, swimming pools and lounges among others. If the university doesn’t offer all you need, check if you can get the missing amenities nearby.
You’ve checked the course description, facilities and amenities online and it looks all good. How can you tell if it’s all true, even before you visit the university physically? This is where reviews come in. Reading reviews written by past and current students can help you in deciding whether a uni is a good fit. Before you read reviews, check all the other details about the school and compare it to others. For instance, if you are considering Aston University, check the Aston University ranking in terms of accommodation, course quality and social life. University Compare have all the info you need to know who ranks highest in each area, so be sure to check their guidance to students during the college application process. After comparing the ranks, read through reviews and choose one that appears to have the best reputation.
Check the Living Costs
Many students pay attention to the tuition fee but fail to consider the living expenses when choosing a university. You shouldn’t make this money mistake because it may cause you financial constraints later on. Living expenses are higher in some areas than others, thus, before you pack up and move, know how much you will need to survive. In addition to accommodation, utilities, and entertainment, as a student, you should also factor in the course materials.
Before you sign up, you can consider attending a university open day. Most universities set aside a day before each intake to give aspiring students an opportunity to learn more about what they offer.