Finding a new job can be a challenge but settling into a new role and company can be nerve-wracking too. You’ll be meeting a whole new team, learning new processes and adapting to their company culture.
While starting a new job is exciting, if you’re feeling disappointed by the end of your first week you may have some thinking to do. You may have been miss-sold the job by a recruiter who exaggerated the perks, you may be unimpressed with the training you have received, or perhaps you’re not gelling well with your new team members. Whatever the reasons, if your new job isn’t meeting your expectations it can be disheartening.
So, the big question is, should you stay or should you go? While the thought of leaving your new job may make you feel guilty and worried about where to go from here, there are a few options to consider first. Here’s what you should do.
1. Make sure you have given your new job a chance
If a new job doesn’t meet your expectations in the first few days, it’s easy to make a snap judgement that you aren’t going to like it. However, it’s important to give it some more time.
You may have started at a particularly busy time, so the team has been rushed off their feet and unable to make you feel welcome. If you’re feeling unhappy, set yourself a time period of giving it another week or month to see if things turn around. Unless the situation is very bad, quitting hastily after a poor day may not be the right decision.
2. Consider if you can switch it up
If you feel like your talents are better suited to a different department in the company, then ask your manager if there are any opportunities to move. If they think you are an asset to their business, then they won’t want to lose you.
If it’s not the work itself that is bothering you, consider if there are any actions you can take to improve the situation. For example, if you are not getting along with your line manager, or the people you sit with, speak to someone about it. If you can raise your concerns early and fix them, there will be no need to hand in your resignation letter later.
3. When is it ok to leave your new job?
While it’s a good idea to give your new role a chance and see what can be done to improve things, there are some instances when it may be better to leave straight away. You should leave if:
- The job is negatively affecting your mental or physical well-being
- You’re feeling a lot of stress and pressure that you weren’t expecting
You don’t want to be burning yourself as this is damaging for you and your career. If you’re seeing these red flags in your new job then it may be a better option to look for a new role.
4. Finding a new opportunity
Don’t feel pressured to stay in a job you hate simply because you are worried about finding another opportunity. There are plenty of roles out there and if you commit to your job search and make the most of your professional connections, you’ll have a new job in no time.
5. Don’t burn bridges
Where possible, you should try not to burn any bridges on your way out of any job. You never know when you may meet your boss/colleagues again, so conduct yourself professionally and leave with your reputation intact.