The UK job market is vast. Last year, the total number of British workers was estimated at 32.60 million. It spans an array of sectors, from health care to finance to retail.
Which one do you belong to? Do you want to progress in it? If so, you can — you just need to know how to stay relevant. That way, you’ll be able to meet any future demands within your job role.
This guide could help you to achieve this.
Industry research
The world is constantly changing — and so are its main industries. As tech advances, it seems to play a bigger role in the workplace.
Fintech (financial tech), for example, is transforming financial services and banks. Wellbeing initiatives – namely CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) – are also being adopted across sectors in the UK.
Through regular research, you’ll be able to stay on top of any changes or updates that occur within the market. Industry magazines can be a good source for this. Social platforms like LinkedIn are often useful, too.
Spend time to invest in some independent study and you could keep up with your chosen sector and stay relevant for longer.
Training courses
Courses aren’t just for students — they’re designed for almost everyone. Especially professionals.
Training can help workers to fortify their skills and develop in their role. That’s why many firms and businesses offer courses to staff as part of their day-to-day progression.
Does yours? If you’re not sure, why not ask? If they don’t, fear not. There are plenty of accredited training courses across the UK. To find one, look through B2B magazines, as well as on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
Train regularly, and you could heighten your chances of career progression. You could also create a personal financial plan specifically for this project.
Networking events
We can learn a lot from our colleagues — and it’s no different for our fellow industry members.
And when you think about, it’s obvious why. One person’s experience of your particular sector may be very different from your own, and they might have overcome things in their past that can help you in the future.
If so, they’ll be able to provide a fresh perspective on it. In turn, you can share your industry insights with them. And so, you’ll help each other to growth professionally — it’s mutually beneficial.
There’s no hard and fast rule for attending networking events, but it’s important to find one where you feel comfortable and involved. The more you attend, the more likely you’ll be to keep track of changes within your industry – and the job market as a whole.
If you want to flourish in your role, you’re not alone. Many of us do. Stay updated on all relevant information, and you can. The job market looks set to grow – and you can grow with it!