As another year draws to a close it’s the perfect opportunity to assess where your career is heading. Whether you love or hate your job, it’s important to take a step back to reflect on your career goals at least once a year.
So what do you want to achieve next year and what are your new year career resolutions going to be?
If you need some inspiration, we’ve got you covered.
1. Get a pay rise or promotion
Do you want to take a step up the career ladder next year? Set yourself a salary target or title goal and make a plan to achieve it. If you need some help in working out an action plan, check out these articles.
2. Reduce stress
Are you fed up of being stressed out all the time at work? If your job is making you stressed and miserable a lot, then it might be time to start looking for a new opportunity in the new year. Get your CV up to date and start job searching to achieve a fresh start and a job that you enjoy.
You can also take a look at our top tips on how to beat stress.
3. Be more organised
Organisation can help you to be more productive, less stressed and therefore more successful at work. Be more organised in the new year and you’ll reap the benefits!
4. Get a new job
Are you unhappy at work? Do you feel like your career is going nowhere? It’s time to make a change! Don’t settle for another year doing a job you don’t enjoy, commit yourself to finding a new opportunity that will help you to get your career back on track.
5. Improve your work-life balance
Finding the work-life balance is never easy, particularly when you are driven to succeed in your career. Remember, you work hard and you deserve to enjoy a lifestyle that makes you happy. Discover how to improve your work life balance here.
6. Improve your professional relationships
Is next year the one from growing your business connections and getting known in your industry? Do you want to improve your relationships with colleagues? Being a great networker can help you to progress professionally. Attend industry events and build rapport with influential people both inside and outside of your organisation. Make the most of LinkedIn as well to stay in touch with your valuable connections.
7. Work on your communication skills
Being able to communicate effectively is critical to having a successful career. If you need to brush up on your skills take a look here.
8. Undertake additional training/qualifications
What’s holding you back in your role? Do you have any weaker areas that you can improve on? Whether it be attending a reputable training course or starting a degree, if it will help you to further your career, do it!
Once you’ve pinned down your new year career resolutions, you need to develop a plan to ensure you achieve them. If you don’t plan you may well have forgotten them by February so ensure you have clear goals and steps to achieve them.
Have a happy new year and make this one count!