For those of us accustomed to the 9 to 5 grind, our workplace can start to feel like our second home. We spend most of our week there meaning that a large proportion of our time is shared with our colleagues.
Working in close quarters with others isn’t always smooth sailing and it’d be super-optimistic to think that you’ll get on with every single person you work with throughout your career. In fact, when you think about it, our co-workers are sort of like our family. You don’t choose them, you have your favourites (and the ones you try to avoid), you all go through your ups and downs together and, ultimately, it’d be kind of weird not having them around all the time.
That being said, it’s hard to deny that a lot of people can fall into office stereotypes – both good and bad. For instance, on the positive side of things, many of us will experience: the ‘Partner in Crime’ (your best work mate who gets you through the day), the ‘Office Feeder’ (they’re always bringing in delicious treats for everyone – not all heroes wear capes) and the ‘Comedian’ (even their emails put a smile on your face).
Not every colleague has such a positive impact on your work day. The infographic below identifies the top 10 most annoying co-workers that we’re all likely to encounter at some point or another. How many of these have you come across already?