If you want to make a change or reach new goals in your career, then don’t let another year slip by without doing so. 2016 could be the time for you to pursue new opportunities. The power is in your hands, so make this year the one where you find your ideal job, take the next step up the career ladder, or make a move from the role you just aren’t enjoying. Here’s what to do:
Author: CareerExperts
Love it or hate it, social media has undoubtedly become a huge part of modern day life. However, the power of these online forums isn’t limited to liking, tweeting and sharing, they are also revolutionising professional networking. The main player in the field of business-focused social media is LinkedIn. Described as “the world’s largest professional network with more than 400 million members in 200 countries and territories around the globe”, LinkedIn is great for: Creating a network of professional contacts Highlighting your expertise, experience and skills Staying in touch with business contacts Presenting a professional image Job hunting Allowing potential…
As the end of each year approaches and a new one arrives, you usually find yourself indulging in a bit of reflection as well as wondering what this year will bring. It is the perfect time to ask yourself: What changes do I want to make to my life? Could it be time for a new year and a new job? This year could be the one where you find your perfect job, take the next step up your career ladder, or make the decision to move away from your current job that you just aren’t enjoying. If your career…
Some bosses are harder to forget than others. While bosses can be unforgettable because they make life miserable, the most memorable bosses stick with us because they change us for the better. When I ask audiences to describe the best and worst boss they ever worked for, people inevitably ignore innate characteristics (intelligence, extraversion, attractiveness, and so on) and instead focus on qualities that are completely under the boss’s control, such as passion, insight, and honesty. These words describe bosses who are high in emotional intelligence. And they aren’t just great to work for—TalentSmart research data from more than a…
As the 7th episode premiers in cinemas this week, we take a look at what valuable career lessons we can take from the Star Wars story so far. 1. When getting started, you need a great mentor Having a great mentor can make a big impact on the future of your career. They will be able to pass on their skills, knowledge and expertise, equipping you with the tools to make your career a success. You’ll be able to progress and develop much quicker with an expert mentor who has time to work with you. A dedicated mentor will be…
Are you job hunting this Christmas? It might be the first time you have ever started the job-search process, or perhaps you have done it more times than you care to remember. Whatever category you fit into you are probably a little apprehensive about having your achievements scrutinised by potential employers. This feeling of apprehension and listlessness can often stop you from gaining the most from your search. The start of the job-hunting process will lead most of us to grin and bear an unsuitable job, that is until the situation gets progressively worse and we have to accept that…
Sir Henry Royce, co-founder of the Rolls-Royce, was years ahead of his time with his quote: “The quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.” Royce had a reputation for perfection and quality from his strong attention to detail. As the popularity of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars escalated for the rich and famous, none of them questioned the price they paid. They were buying a package much larger than a good-looking car. They received exceptional service from the salesperson, a car that oozed quality, reputation and reassurance. They knew what they were getting when they bought the car. They…
It’s Christmas time again! The mince pies and mulled wine are out and these alone are enough to get us feeling merry. It’s also party time, so get your outfits ready because the office Christmas party is coming! The ‘work’s do’ is a time to let loose and have fun with your colleagues, but beware, when the party’s over you’ve still got to work with these people. To avoid damage to your reputation and professional relationships, take note of these golden rules: Don’t be a Grinch The work Christmas party is a gift to you from your employer, so you…
If someone were to say to you “Name a famous entrepreneur”, who would spring to mind? For most, the name Sir Richard Branson and the word “entrepreneur” are synonymous. Sir Richard Branson was born in 1950, in Surrey. Growing up, he struggled with dyslexia and found school difficult, leading him to drop out at the age of 16. At this time, he started a student magazine for which he needed funding, so in 1969, he had the idea to start a mail order record company. The company did well, and Branson quickly found himself having to set up his own…
Did you know that when people look at a photo of you, they form an impression within one-tenth of a second? First impressions aren’t always made face-to-face, especially today when there are plenty of photos of you online. Where? On your social media of course. Both current and potential employers, as well as, recruiters are checking your social media profiles more than ever before. They want to find out more about you and social media can often tell them a lot. While most of us now ensure that our privacy settings restrict what outsiders can see, the one thing that…
Getting through a whole day of work without finding yourself distracted is probably a bit of a challenge. While a distraction from what you’re doing is sometimes beneficial, like when a colleague needs to give you a piece of work or feedback, for the most part, workplace distractions are simply unwanted. Some are unavoidable, most can be tamed. Here are the most common workplace distractions. If you can’t remember the last time you had to deal with them, it could be you that’s causing them! Over-communication While emails are an effective way of communicating with your co-workers, there may come…
With an average commute time of 54 minutes, and many city workers facing even longer journeys, UK residents have more time on their hands than they think. Regardless of the amount of time you spend getting to and from work, there are loads of things you can do to make your commute time a more productive part of your day. In the car Driving to work; you either love it or hate it. Whether you’re in the car for 10 minutes or 2 hours, you don’t have to listen to the same radio show every morning. Here are a few…
Is your current career not what you expected? Have you lost passion for what you do? Or do you just feel the time is right for a new challenge? No matter what your reasons, if you feel like a career change is in order, it’s important for you to take the time to think this through. You need to establish why this change is necessary for you and whether it is your profession or your job that is the issue. You’re not alone in wanting to jump ship and try something new. Recent studies highlight that many professionals change career…
Working with recruiters can be hugely beneficial when you’re looking for a new job. They’ve got great opportunities available, they will advise you on the recruitment process and offer insights into the company and industry they are working with. Building relationships with the right recruiters for you can have a big impact on your career. Here’s what you need to know about working with them: You should choose a good recruiter As with any profession, there are some fantastic recruiters and there are some poor ones too. Some quick online research will allow you to establish whether they are a…
You sent the application, you waited, you stared at your inbox and waited by the phone (cue the tumbleweed). Still nothing? Instead of waiting a millennium or assuming the worst, it’s time to get proactive. If you really want to find out what’s happening, don’t shy away from following up on your job application with an email or even making a phone call to the company. Why you should do it A second look: By contacting the recruiter, you’re bringing your application to their attention. Whether that’s for the first or second time, you have increased your odds of being…
Group Interviews and Assessment Centre style interviews can often be quite a daunting prospect for some. However, it’s important to be aware that many employers are using this style of interview to find their newest talent. Why? There are a few reasons that a business may choose to conduct group interviews: Cost: It wastes less time, and therefore money, so employers will conduct one large interview from which the strongest candidates can be selected. Behaviour: A prospective recruiter wants to see how you work within a team, and a group interview is a perfect way to assess this. Pressure: This…
A recent article from the BBC stated that salaries rise as companies hire more graduates – however it’s not the salary that is grabbing the graduates… Graduates seem to be more focused on what ethics the company holds – what the values are. An article from The Guardian stated “Almost half the workforce (42%) now want to work for an organisation that has a positive impact on the world.” In today’s world, a job is much more than just a 9 to 5, it’s a talking point in a conversation. What your company stands for reflects on who the employees are as…
So you have finally made it – you are all set to graduate from university, hopefully with some nice grades to boot. The next step in your life might be finding that perfect graduate job that will kick start your career. If you are currently in your last year of university, there is already plenty you can do to ensure that you snag the right job once you finish. Know your options You don’t actually have to go for the traditional graduate job if that is not what you want to do. Other options such as internships and graduate schemes…
Ok, so finding a graduate job is rarely easy but there are a lot of things that you can do to improve your chances. Whether you are ready for the university bubble to burst or not, it’s got to happen and what happens next is down to you. It’s time to find a career that you can progress and succeed in, but when it comes to landing an excellent graduate opportunity, you’ve got some competition. If you want to get ahead of your peers and set yourself up for a successful job search, here’s what you need to know: 1.…
When attending an interview you could be faced with some curveball questions. These weird interview questions may be used to test you under pressure or to provoke an honest response and you need to handle them like a pro. You usually feel prepared for the predictable interview questions. You’ve heard them before and you’ve thought up some answers that are sure to impress. What are your strengths? Easy. What are your weaknesses? You’ve got them ready. Why should we hire you? Because I’m so well-prepared to answer that question! But what happens when a question comes up that you’ve never…