Author: CareerExperts

Social media has really taken off over the last decade and now features in the lives of millions of people… or should we say billions? Facebook – 1.65 billion monthly active users (March 31, 2016) LinkedIn – 433 million users (April 28, 2016) Twitter – 313 million monthly active users (March 31, 2016) Social media has now evolved from being a simple way to connect with university friends, to a global giant that allows people across the world to stay in touch whether it be with friends and family or business connections and brands. If you’re not using social media…

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It’s pretty awful losing the promotion you deserved. It’s an unexpected turn in your corporate development career path. But things can get worse: watching someone else get it. And even worse than that: they’re less qualified than you. As you witness this disaster, your blood pressure rises, your head begins to spin, and you whip yourself into defence mode. And the first thought that comes to mind is: “If that’s the kind of talent my company appreciates, then why in the world am I still hanging around here?” And then you want to just pack up and leave. But you…

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So what’s it really like to be a managing director? Here Hilton Freund, MD of payday loan provider Wizzcash, talks about the lessons he’s learnt since moving to the boardroom. Recently I took a big step in my career: I became managing director of payday loans company Wizzcash. It’s been a lot of things: enlightening, eye-opening, challenging, demanding, rewarding. To name just a few. I thought it’d be good to put some thoughts down as to what the experience has taught me. Lesson 1 Forget about job titles, rank or seniority. I really don’t think it matters what job title…

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After graduating from university it can feel quite daunting entering the ‘real world’. You are now faced with finding a graduate job and deciding which career path to choose. There are some steps that you can take to ensure that you are prepared and ready to take on the competition. 1. Identify your strengths What are you best at? What skills do you have? Where do your strengths lie? These are all questions you should be asking yourself when starting your graduate job hunt. Once you identify your strengths it will give you a better understanding of what type of…

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Many bosses assume that a leader needs to be aloof and tough on employees in order to be effective. They fear that looking “soft” will erode their employee’s motivation and respect for them. To prove their case, they cite examples of brilliant leaders who modeled a tough leadership style, such as Steve Jobs, who berated his employees. When it comes to success as a leader, radically tough leadership styles are exceptions to the rule, not the rule. Recent research has shown that overly tough bosses create significant health and motivation problems in their employees, which will make you think twice…

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Twitter is a great platform to use professionally as well as socially. You can network, research potential employers, find jobs and get plenty of job hunting advice. Great advice on how to conduct your job search, perfecting your CV and nailing interviews can be hard to come by (although we think we cover a good chunk with our job searching tips). We are always looking out for the people who are leading top discussions and offering great advice for job seekers. We’ve put together a list of 11 career experts below so you know who to follow on Twitter in…

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For those of us accustomed to the 9 to 5 grind, our workplace can start to feel like our second home. We spend most of our week there meaning that a large proportion of our time is shared with our colleagues. Working in close quarters with others isn’t always smooth sailing and it’d be super-optimistic to think that you’ll get on with every single person you work with throughout your career. In fact, when you think about it, our co-workers are sort of like our family. You don’t choose them, you have your favourites (and the ones you try to…

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There’s no establishment around quite like the NHS. It’s a lifesaving, one-of-a-kind, national institution. Sit down and have a conversation with anyone who works there – medical or non-medical professionals – and they’ll talk emotively about their job and the positivity that helping to care for over a million people every 36 hours brings to their life. It’s incredible just how positive healthcare workers remain, despite the NHS being perpetually in the eye of the storm, politically speaking. Britain’s National Health Service is a much-debated topic. Arguments rage on about junior doctors’ contracts, A&E waiting times and potential privatisation, while…

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Thanks to modern technology and a rapidly evolving economy working from home is a dream come true for millions of people, whether as salaried employees working remotely, small home business owners or freelance contractors. Making this change is straightforward, but for your comfort, health and productivity it’s important to set up a proper home office. Here are a few tips to help get you started. Your office space It’s important to have a space in your home which can be designated as a permanent office so furniture and equipment can be set up to suit your requirements without having to…

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Bridgewater Group’s Director Agnes Butterworth shares the management lessons she learned while on a sailing holiday in Croatia this summer. I have just returned from my sailing holiday in Croatia. I took on the responsibility of Skipper as my husband and I chartered a yacht to sail around Croatian islands in the North Adriatic. While I’m far from being an expert, I love sailing, the challenges it presents and the way it can shape you as a person. The power and unpredictability of the sea often tests your patience, resilience and self-control. And when you’re sailing, it’s just you, your…

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A contract of employment exists between every employee and their employer and is designed to protect both the interests of the business and the employee. As soon as a job offer is accepted an employment contract should be drawn up to put in place the terms and conditions of the role, what it entails and the employees’ rights during their time with the company. Contracts can be confusing, especially if you’re hiring your first employee or a start-up. It’s always advisable to get the advice of a legal expert to check it over, but we’ve put together a guide explaining…

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Imagine the scene, a large room on campus shining with the bright lights of an employer’s exhibition stand vying to attract the attention of hundreds of students wandering around a Careers Fair. This will be the reality throughout October and November at UK universities as employers swarm on campus for the annual `Milkround` season. On average, employers will target fifteen universities to meet students in the `war for talent`. Students create memorable impressions in many ways. But they are also somewhat predictable and always ask two questions when meeting employers in this scenario “what type of graduate are you looking…

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Well, it’s official, Pokémon IS BACK! Pokémon GO, the new augmented reality game that brings Pokémon into the real world, seems to be inspiring some pretty strong reactions across the globe. When it comes to Pokémon GO, it looks like there are two teams. Team Hater: These guys don’t see what all the fuss is about and most definitely have no intention of catching ’em all. They’ve been known to have a tendency to post party-pooping memes on Facebook and leave passive aggressive notes in public places to let everyone know just how stupid they think the whole thing is.…

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First impressions are everything when it comes to applying for a job, and if your CV isn’t up to scratch, you’ll struggle to get your foot on the ladder in your career of choice. While our wealth of job search advice can help you polish your CV as much as possible, real-world experience is always king when it comes to grabbing the attention of potential employers. Leslie Docherty, store owner of Glasgow-based streetwear retailer Fat Buddha, shares his thoughts on how having the right part-time job during university can help your CV stand out in a difficult job market. According…

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One of the most exhilarating aspects of finally finishing your degree and throwing yourself into working life is the prospect of finally earning some good money. No more cereal for dinner and £1 jagerbombs at the student union – you will be able to eat and drink like a king! That’s the idea at least. While the median graduate salary is rising more or less every year, salaries can vary wildly between different industries and employers, and can even hinge on what city you are working in. High Fliers report that the median graduate starting salary in the UK 2016…

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Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few—the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented. It’s easy to fall prey to this misconception. In reality, being likeable is under your control, and it’s a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ). In a study conducted at UCLA, subjects rated over 500 adjectives based on their perceived significance to likeability. The top-rated adjectives had nothing to do with being gregarious, intelligent, or attractive (innate characteristics). Instead, the top adjectives were sincerity, transparency, and capacity for understanding…

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We’ve all had bad days at the office: a client is frustrated with something, a co-worker (or you) makes a mistake. But what about when days at the office feel bad—all the time? If that’s the way you feel, you’re not alone. Nearly two-thirds of all employees say office stress is significant—from workload to job instability, the reasons are varied. That may lead to a lot of feelings, including a sense of fatigue or nervousness. But what do you do about it—especially when you like your workplace, or need to keep your job? There are stress-relieving strategies that can help.…

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Successful career goals for managers require that we constantly improve ourselves, whether it’s how to increase productivity, run our meetings, or manage our teams. The good news about always improving is that we end up with super skills that would require others years of experience to achieve. But surprisingly, our quest for improvement can actually prevent us from getting that next promotion. Sounds backward, doesn’t it? After all, we’ve been taught from an early age that improvement is one of the most important keys to standing out from the crowd. Indeed, this is true. But consider this example. You’re a…

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You’ve finished uni, you’re up to your eyeballs in debt and it’s time to look for that all-important graduate job. Do you know what that means? MONEY! That’s right, no more beans eaten straight out of the tin or budget brand toilet paper for you, my friend. Exciting times lie ahead, that’s for sure, but it’s also a time of uncertainty for many. One of the main causes of this is the small matter of graduate salaries. You’ve never had a ‘proper’ job before, how do you know how much you’re worth and what level salary you should expect? Well,…

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How do you put yourself in line for a promotion? Whilst working hard, keeping your head down and producing good quality work will undoubtedly make you a valuable asset to your employer, it might not necessarily secure you the promotion that you want. So, what can you do to make yourself noticed and recognised for all of your hard work? Here are a few tips for you on how to get in the line-up for that promotion. Ask yourself “what do I want?” Make sure you are going for a promotion for the right reasons – because you want to…

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