Author: CareerExperts

Everyone seems to be talking about EI these days – that’s emotional intelligence to us mere mortals. The world of work continues to change; aspects such as recruitment and staff retention are more frequently approached from a holistic mindset. That is to say that each individual is assessed as a whole, rather than solely on experience or skills. Employees are also encouraged to be self-aware and reflect inwardly as part of their professional development. Emotional intelligence forms part of a person’s character and therefore can be a crucial attribute in the workplace. So, to help you to learn all about…

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Are you good at what you do? Is that good enough? If you were through to an assessment centre for the employer of your dreams, could you differentiate yourself as outstanding? As better than the rest? What do you stand for? If you can’t clearly answer these questions then it’s time to define your personal brand. The Oxford Dictionary definition of brand is a product name or livestock branding. The former is more relevant in this context. Brands can be difficult to define and also difficult to replicate so get yours right and it will be a valuable USP. Brands…

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Job boards like CV-Library can enhance your job hunt instantly. However, they’re only particularly useful to your search if you know how they work and how to use them. To help you ace your job hunt, here’s our explanation of how job boards work and three simple ways to utilise them effectively. What is a job board and does it work? In short, job boards host vacancies on behalf of recruitment agencies and employers. Job hunters like you can then search through thousands of these vacancies. To apply for a job, you only have to upload your CV and click…

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All companies need strong manager figures with top leadership traits to help shape the future success of the business. Measurable growth depends on these managers to help organise and structure successful teams in the company. As such, there are certain traits that all managers should have to ensure that they are a strong leadership figure. On the other hand, poor management can lead to dire consequences for a business; ensuring that there are strong leaders in management positions is imperative to a successful company. With this in mind, CV-Library questioned over 1,200 UK workers to find out the traits that…

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What do you say when you’re asked in an interview, “tell me about yourself?” Do you spout out key dates and institutions from your past? Do you robotically recite your resume? If you do, you’re not alone. Here’s why that’s not the best approach If you think about it for a minute you’ll realise the interviewer already has that list from your application. So why would they want you to simply repeat it? Tell me about yourself is a common interview question. It’s a good icebreaker, it eases you into the interview and can provide valuable insights to the interviewer…

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It’s 2017 and with so much technology at our fingertips, there’s much more job seekers can do than fire out application after application. Nowadays, sending your CV to hundreds of employers isn’t your only option. You have the power to take your job hunting efforts a lot further. Once you’ve created a fantastic CV, you should be uploading it to online job boards and recruitment websites to boost your chances of finding that dream role. But how can you make sure that your CV is seen by the right people? How recruiters and employers search CVs In order to find…

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Our days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. Most are mundane, but some are so important that they can haunt you for the rest of your life. A recent study from Columbia University found that we’re bogged down by more than 70 decisions a day. The sheer number of decisions we have to make each day leads to a phenomenon called decision fatigue, whereby your brain actually tires like a muscle. A new study from the University of Texas shows that even when our brains aren’t tired, they can make it very difficult for us to make good…

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Are you currently job searching? Uploading your CV in the right places could help you to discover relevant roles and help recruiters to discover you! Job searching is rarely an easy process and spending hours trawling through job sites isn’t the only way to find relevant roles. To give yourself the best shot at finding a fantastic opportunity quickly, you need to think outside the box. Uploading your CV to these three places is quick and easy. These websites will help with your job search so what are you waiting for? CV-Library Uploading your CV to CV-Library not only helps…

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When it’s time to look for a new job, there’s no better place to start than with the UK’s top job sites 2017. Collectively, our top job sites offer hundreds of thousands of jobs. How can there not be a handful of perfect opportunities for you? Based on the number of monthly visitors, we’ve revealed the Uk’s top job sites of 2017 in our infographic below. The top job sites 2017 are: 1. Indeed As the world’s #1 job site, with over 200 million unique visitors every month from over 60 different countries, Indeed has become the catalyst for putting…

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New research from the UK’s leading independent job board, CV-Library has found that over two-thirds of the nation’s workers (69.1%) are losing up to 16 days a year commuting to and from work, with over a third (38.6%) of professionals commuting for up to two hours a day. The survey of 1,200 workers sought to explore how professionals feel about their commute, and whether they are using it to their advantage. Some of the top-line findings include: Over three quarters (79.9%) of workers commute to work five days a week 9% of professionals say that they enjoy their commute BUT,…

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The ‘Hobbies and Interests’ section of a CV packs more of a wallop than you may think. Some people include it, thinking it isn’t that important. Others omit it altogether. Then some make a real hash of it! There’s more to this part of your CV than meets the eye. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider which interests to put on your CV and to understand what they say about you. You may be tempted to skip this part of your CV because it says nothing about your skills and experience. Hold it right there! Although your hobbies and interests…

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Procrastination affects everyone. It sneaks up on most people when they’re tired or bored, but for some, procrastination can be a full-fledged addiction. They avoid all day the work that is right in front of them, only to go home and toil late into the night, frantically trying to finish what they could have easily completed before dinner. So, how can you stop procrastinating? “Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” –Charles Dickens With summer approaching, the high season for procrastination is upon us. It’s even more difficult to get work done when you’re stuck at the office, wishing you…

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So you’ve almost made it to the end of your interview. You’re getting on well with the interviewer, are happy with the interview questions and answers that you’ve given and think you’ve made a good impression. Then the interviewer asks, “Have you got any questions?” This is usually one of the final hurdles that an interviewee faces and it is also one that many struggle with. Your answer to this question should never be ‘no’. Why? Because that may suggest to the interviewer that you aren’t really interested in the opportunity and that you haven’t prepared well for your interview.…

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Getting a degree isn’t easy. Sometimes it doesn’t take much for your grades to dip; a couple of bad assignments, mitigating circumstances, a tough lecturer who grades harshly or an exam question that seems impossible to answer. It’s well-known that many employers look for graduates with a 2.1 degree classification or higher. For those that end up with a 2.2, it can feel like your hard work was for nothing and your career prospects aren’t looking great. This isn’t the case! 2.2 degree graduate jobs are out there There are plenty of fantastic jobs available for graduates with a 2.2…

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New data from CV-Library reveals strong pay growth across numerous UK locations. With employers competing to attract the best talent to join their businesses, salaries are being bumped up in numerous locations throughout the UK. CV-Library reports that Bristol, Wales and Guildford are among the locations that have seen the biggest growth since April 2016. Can you expect a pay rise? Watch our video to discover the top ten locations for a pay rise right now. Somewhat surprisingly, London does not feature on our list having only increased salaries by a modest 0.1%. Lee Biggins, founder and managing director of…

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Since 2004, Netflix employees have taken as many vacation days as they’ve wanted. They have the freedom to decide when to show up for work, when to take time off, and how much time it will take them to get the job done. As far as I can tell, this hasn’t hurt Netflix one bit. Since instituting the policy, it’s grown its market cap to over $51 billion. Just because there’s flexibility at Netflix doesn’t mean it lacks accountability. Employees have to keep their managers in the loop, and they’re expected to perform at a very high level. High performance…

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Salary is an extremely important aspect when it comes to your job and your life. We all want to be paid well for our hard work and it is our salary that facilitates the lifestyle we want to lead. How much should you be earning? It’s a tricky question to answer and, naturally, we all have personal salary goals based on our career paths. Ambitious, career-driven individuals can’t help but compete with their peers and continuously strive to increase their salaries. So what are other professionals in the UK earning and are you exceeding the average wage for your experience? A point…

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Our research at CV-Library revealed that the average employee (66.4%) only takes between one to two sick days a year—but do you know if and how you’re getting paid for it? You need to be aware of your rights to sick pay. Therefore, in this article we’ll discuss everything from how to call in sick, the types of sick pay you could be entitled to, and what to do when you’ve been hit with more than a cold. How to call in sick Our research tells us that a hefty 68.3% of you feel pretty guilty about calling in sick,…

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We’ve all heard of (or seen firsthand) people doing some pretty crazy things at work. Truth is, you don’t have to throw a chair through a window or quit in the middle of a presentation to cause irreparable damage to your career. No matter how talented you are or what you’ve accomplished, there are certain behaviours that instantly change the way people see you and forever cast you in a negative light. The following list contains nine of the most notorious behaviours that you should avoid at all costs. 1. Backstabbing The name says it all. Stabbing your colleagues in…

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Landing a job in the current market is no easy feat. An added hurdle many candidates are likely to face is a psychometric test. The problem is most candidates aren’t exactly sure what this elusive ‘psychometric test’ is. That’s because various companies refer to different assessments when they use the term ‘psychometric test’. Don’t fear, I am here to explain everything you need to know about psychometric testing. Let’s begin by defining some basic terms. Psychometric Tests: A psychometric test is a broad term used to refer to all assessments given to gauge a candidate’s skill sets and potential for…

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