Author: CareerExperts

What do you know about management styles? There’s a lot more to it than ‘good’ and ‘bad’. For established managers, aspiring leaders and enthusiastic employees, expanding your knowledge about management styles can help you reach your long-term career goals. Management Styles for Bosses and Employees To all the bosses and aspiring managers out there, being aware of different managerial styles and which one you employ can help you to be better than ever. Understanding your leadership style can help you to find ways of optimising your performance and therefore that of your team. What are the strengths of your style?…

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With the rapid advancement of technology, artificial intelligence, the increase in entrepreneurs, flexible working and the increase of pensionable age, the world of work is definitely changing. Quite where we will be and what work will look like in twenty, thirty and forty years I don’t know. What I do know is that adaptability, transferable skills, lifelong learning and the ability to handle change are becoming ever more important for sustainable careers. An uncertain future I hear more employers talking about the need for candidates coming into their organisation to be adaptable, and to both understand and utilise their transferable…

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We can get a little shy when it comes to talking about careers at work. It’s funny when you think about it. We spend up to 80,000 hours in full-time work over our lifetime and yet, all too often, the conversation about what it is that we are doing there causes a few blushes. We don’t do this in other important relationships. Imagine if you had a romantic relationship but never discussed where it was going or how it was going! That would be odd right? As a career navigation coach, I work with individuals and companies in all sorts…

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1. Your CV doesn’t within a matter of seconds show you can do the job A recruiter or employer will spend on average a maximum of 7 seconds reading a CV. It is vital, therefore, that you show them within the first few lines how you have the relevant experience and skills. So how do you show you can do the job? Read the relevant job adverts and make a note of the duties and skills mentioned Then look at your CV and compare this against what employers look for If there is an area of experience or skill you…

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Skills this, skills that. Whether you’re deep in the throes of a job search or working to develop your career, it’s all about your skill set. However, did you know that there are different types of skills? We’re talking about soft and hard skills. Baffled? Let us clear things up for you and share our top soft skills list for career success! Why you need our soft skills list There’s always room for improvement. Even the most experienced, polished professional will benefit from adding a few more strings to their bow. Reaching success and staying there requires you to constantly…

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Not everyone is the best planner. There are those who have a perfectly scheduled diary, months in advance, and there are those that don’t even think as far ahead as lunch (You know who you are!). However, when it comes to interviews, you need to be able to demonstrate that you’re able to see the bigger picture. One popular interview question hiring managers love to ask is Where do you see yourself in 5 years? That means you’d better have a good answer up your sleeve. If you want to know how to answer this question like a seasoned interview…

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Attending an interview can be a scary thing; nerves and pressure both add to the overall terrifying experience. However, since we’re getting into the Halloween spirit here at CareerExperts, we’ve put together some of the worst interview horror stories we’ve heard. If you think you’ve ever had a bad interview, these Quora users have had it a lot worse… The Unexpected Turn This poor guy thought everything was going great during his interview. He’d met with HR, the CEO and things were looking positive. Until he met with the Vice President of the company, that’s when things got a little…

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Change is always scary, especially when it comes to something for which you have worked hard, such as your career. Yet it’s a waste of your time and talent to hold fast to something for no other reason than to keep the status quo. A career should be satisfying and rewarding because you spend more than half your time in it. If it’s not, then you should think about changing careers. On the other hand, you could just be experiencing burnout, nothing a few weeks’ vacation won’t cure. You need to know if you are truly ready for a change,…

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If it’s time to start planning the next move in your career, you’re probably hoping to make a move that’s a step up for you. However, many job seekers make poor career planning choices, and so they end up in a job that just isn’t right for them. What happened? The answer is in the planning they did before they made the move. If you’ve not thought carefully about the job you’ve been offered, you may end up in a role that just isn’t for you. Here are some of the most common mistakes in career planning, and how to…

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There are some job interview questions that you should just always prepare an answer for. Every interview is different, yes, but the goal is always the same. You’re there to show that you’re the right fit for the job. Your interviewer is there to find out if that’s true. So, if the aim is to let them know you have what it takes to excel in the role, you need to be able to prove it. What are your strengths? is a question you must be ready to tackle in an interview. But in order to seal the deal, you…

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The physical workspace is something we can all see, touch, and taste. It’s the office floor plan, choice of radio station, pictures on the wall, the demographics we work with and any of the physical perks we might receive such as, gym-access, or quiet places that employees can use to unwind or work. So why should employers invest in creating physical spaces that employees want to show up to? Office employees spend a lot of their time in the same company and surroundings, where the physical environment can influence positivity and directly influence work performance and productivity. In the workplace,…

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What if I told you in just 10 seconds a day, you can sleep better, make more money, reduce stress, and lose weight? Sleeping naked can do all these things and more. All you have to do is take off your clothes. While there are countless strategies floating around out there to help you improve in these areas, none is as simple—and many are less effective—as stripping down before you go to sleep. Since only 8% of people sleep naked, most everyone can discover the benefits of sleeping in the buff. This may sound far-fetched, but hear me out before…

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Traditionally speaking, interior office design hasn’t been something that employers have considered important when it comes to employee happiness. However, in recent times, a successful office refurbishment has become an important player in the discussion about employee morale and productivity. A good way of looking at how interior office design can affect employee happiness is by relating it to wellness. A recent survey documented aspects of the office that employees should have access to, for the benefit of their wellness, and the results that came back were not positive: Only 56% of employees said that the design of their office…

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Zombies – we’re all familiar with the flesh-eating, groaning creatures. The reanimated dead who want nothing more than to feast on our brains are an increasingly popular topic for horror novels, TV shows and movies. Thanks to this our curiosity surrounding the possibility of a zombie invasion has grown. So, have you ever found yourself wondering: could you survive a zombie apocalypse? Well, what if the zombies took over while you were at work? Picture this: It’s a normal day in the office. Like clockwork, Dean from Accounts has just come back from his daily 15-minute, 11am toilet break and…

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Recent research from job board CV-Library has found that nearly one in four UK professionals have experienced discrimination in an interview. This research suggests that, despite laws protecting candidates from discrimination during the recruitment process, over half of UK workers are not familiar with their rights in an interview and have experienced prejudice for a number of reasons. These include age (39.3%), race (10%), gender (8.9%) and disabilities (6.7%). To ensure that you don’t open yourself up to recruitment discrimination and have a CV that showcases your professional experience, here are five personal details that should not be included on…

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There’s only one you. You’ve travelled the world, you’re in good shape and you make a mean cup of tea – you’re pretty cool! However, sadly, none of this is really going to blow employers away in an interview. “ Why should we hire you? ” is a simple, yet vital, interview question that leaves many job hunters unravelled. So much is at stake based on your answer to this short, seemingly innocent question. A strong response could be the key to your dream job. Bearing that in mind, are you truly prepared to answer this crucial interview question? “…

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The Institute of Leadership & Management predicts that by 2020, millennials will comprise more than 50% of the UK workforce. In many businesses, particularly in fast growing industries like technology, this statistic may already be a reality! The next generation of business leaders are more collaborative, digitally savvy leaders who operate very differently to the perhaps more traditional leader who came before them. Much has been said about the differences between generations, but what do you really need to know about this empowered workforce? What is myth and what is reality? Challenges of Growth This year MVF, one of the…

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“Sean is a reliable and punctual employee with 15 years’ experience within B2C sales who always aims to…” – BORING! Sorry, Sean, but your LinkedIn summary just doesn’t cut the mustard. If you want a profile that packs a punch, keep reading and take a look at some good LinkedIn summary examples that will inspire you! There’s one trap that you don’t want to fall into when writing your LinkedIn summary. Yes, LinkedIn is a professional social media platform, but it’s still a social network. This isn’t your CV, so don’t treat it as such. If there’s very little difference…

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According to our 2017 Job Market Report, salary is the number one reason why employees are in pursuit of greener pastures. Maybe it’s your first job out of college and you were so excited at the opportunity to work in graphic design, so you took the first job offer that came along without negotiating your salary. And now, after chatting with other design professionals, you realize you are substantially underpaid. How can you avoid this mistake in the future? Whether you’re in the process of switching careers or you’re curious to know what you should be getting paid, it’s important to be…

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If you’re feeling fed up at work, we can safely say that you’re not alone. Research suggests that over a third of the nation dislike their current job and think about quitting frequently or often. The solution for that? Hunt around for something new. To make sure that you’re not experiencing a short stint of the blues and are in fact in a poor position at work, there are six fair reasons you should quit your job and move on. 1. You’re not paid your worth Feeling underpaid or undervalued is never a pleasant thing to experience. If you have…

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