If you are a recent graduate looking for a job, you might find that you are running into a few problems along the way. You want to get started in a career that you enjoy and land a meaningful job right from the get-go. Nonetheless, often we lack the network and experience needed to get there. If you want to find a job that will let you reach new heights, we have a few different tips that you can use to get there. Tip #1 – Cater your resume to each job Many graduates make this mistake and it is a…
Author: CareerExperts
We all have some career goals in mind. What we want to achieve in our careers, where we see ourselves in 5 years’ time, what skills and expertise we want to develop. It’s great to have these goals, however, we do have a tendency to only think about the big stuff. By all means, we’re not saying thinking big is a bad thing. You keep reaching for those stars! At the same time, you’ll benefit from breaking down your big goals into much smaller steps. By giving yourself bite-sized steps and goals, you’ll be able to achieve something every day!…
Different organisations have varying needs when it comes to selecting candidates to interview for their roles. As a potential candidate, you have to show prospective employers why you are the right choice for them. You need to highlight your specific skillsets and tailor your CV to the role that you are applying for. There are many different skills that employers look for such as budgeting, communication, motivation, problems solving and even relationship managing. All of these skills can help you to become a highly sought-after candidate who possesses all of the relevant skills that employers want and need. Don’t let…
We’ve all received an email where you read it and think, that sounds a bit rude or abrupt. In most instances, the sender won’t have meant to sound that way. However, as we all know it’s much easier to convey your tone and emotions when speaking to someone directly rather than in an email. The problem is that the words that we perceive as rude in emails are ones that we use every day. We naturally include them when writing in the same way we would when we speak, but our tone gets lost in the email. Below are seven…
Helping children to flourish can be very time-intensive, as many parents will be able to attest. If you have only recently become a parent, you have the added burden of being inexperienced in looking after children – and you can feel disoriented when returning to work after maternity leave. Whether you are currently on maternity leave or have taken a more permanent break from working to be a stay-at-home parent, here are some ways that you can reacquaint yourself with work. When exactly should you return to work? It’s worth heeding advice from The Guardian that “there’s never a ‘right’…
There are a large number of women who want to go back to work after maternity leave, and there is an even more significant number of women who need to go back into the workforce after maternity leave. This can have differing effects on the mental approach, but both can leave the woman with a distinct lack of confidence. Although being easier said than done, the secret to doing this successfully is by managing the transition from mother to employee. Questions, Questions As a return to work mother, you will have numerous questions and what ifs bouncing around your mind…
Great bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it too. They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish. Great leadership can be a difficult thing to pin down and understand. You know a great leader when you’re working for one, but even they can have a hard time explaining the specifics of what they do that makes their leadership so effective. Great leadership is dynamic; it melds a variety of unique skills into an integrated whole. One thing is…
Your CV is the key to getting your foot in the door at a new company. You won’t get an opportunity to speak to hiring managers if your CV doesn’t impress them first! Ensuring these seven key points are included in your CV will help you on your way to success. 1. Correct contact details This is CV tips 101. At the very top of your CV, you should have your name, phone number and email address. Please, double check that these details are correct otherwise employers will have no way of actually getting in touch with you. It’s also…
We all know how stressful it is maintaining the same position in your job, day after day, year after year. Many of us feel that we are ideal material for something better, but time and again, that elusive promotion gets away from us. If you find yourself in this situation, there’s definitely something you can do about it. We’re going to have a look at a few of the best ways that you can get yourself noticed, and ensure that you find your way out of your low position. Make Your Ambitions Clear Patience is a virtue, but it must…
We all face some difficulties while searching for a job. It’s rarely easy to find a perfect one and it’s often just as difficult to know what exactly you want and how to get it. Most of us dream of a well-paid, exciting job with a good team and friendly boss. Sound almost impossible to you? Here are some tips to help you make your dream job a reality. TOP TIP: Discover job essays for students on this site. Evaluate yourself First of all, try to think what your strong and weak points are, what you are good at and…
Writing a winning cover letter is easier than you think. Whether you need a refresh of the basics or you’re looking for original ideas, our guide will lend you a hand during the stressful application process. The Basics Formatting A Winning Cover Letter Almost all cover letters will need a standardised format, much like that of a formal handwritten letter. In the age of email and Facebook you’ve probably not had to put pen to paper for a while, so here’s how to do it! Make sure you include the date of writing, your name, and address in the top…
What subject you studied at university isn’t the be all and end all, and it certainly doesn’t have to define your future career. It may, however, have a considerable impact on your future earnings. Five years after graduation, we can see a clear income gap between the best and worst paying degrees. Medicine and dentistry graduates are earning £46,700 on average, whereas arts and design grads receive less than half that, with £20,100 being the average. The 5 worst paying degrees on our list are: Arts & Design Agriculture Psychology Communications Education The 5 best paying degrees on our list are: Medicine…
Your personal statement should be a brief synopsis of your prior work experience and qualifications showcasing why this past experience makes you relevant for the role you are applying to. It is an opportunity to highlight significant aspects of your CV that will encourage the recruiter to read further. It is a chance to sell yourself and your skills as well as customising those strengths to the employer’s requirements, making it obvious to the recruiter why you are the perfect candidate for the role. This infographic from StandOut CV shows you 6 practical tips for creating your own powerful CV…
Interviews can feel nerve-wracking even to the most well-practised candidate. Remembering all you know about the company while trying to keep calm and create a great first impression can be tricky. When asked a question about your biggest accomplishment or greatest achievement, many people struggle with how to pitch themselves. Here are our top 5 tips to answer the interview question “What is your greatest accomplishment?” Practice your delivery It’s best to have a couple of different examples you could talk about for this question, in case you have already used one example in a previous interview answer. Test out…
Jobseekers know all about the often-contradictory advice that tends to be offered by friends, family members, and even casual acquaintances. It tends to confuse things, and ultimately push people towards choosing the safest (and blandest) route when creating their CVs. Something that often gets jettisoned is the interests section— the part where you talk about the things that interest you, whether in or out of the workplace. The wisdom of the crowd will have you believe that it’s self-indulgent to mention your interests, and that prospective employers won’t care about anything aside from the essential information. Well, forget about that.…
When it’s time to look for a new job, there’s no better place to start than with the UK’s best job sites 2018. Collectively, our top job sites offer hundreds of thousands of jobs. How can there not be a handful of perfect opportunities for you? Based on the number of monthly visitors, we’ve revealed the UK’s best job sites of 2018 in our infographic below. The best job sites 2018 are: 1. Indeed Maintaining the top spot on our job sites list for 2018 is Indeed! Indeed helps companies of all sizes hire the best talent and offers the…
Candidates have been sharing their worst ever interview experiences with top job site Reed.co.uk. Among them is a candidate who came face to face with a one night stand, someone who had sacked their interviewer in the past and an unexpected burp in the middle of an answer. Chairman of Reed, James Reed, said: “It’s great that people were so candid in revealing their worst interview experiences – and it just goes to show the importance of being prepared. There’s lots you can do to avoid an interview nightmare. Doing your research beforehand is vital and practicing interview questions is…
Wouldn’t we all like to be more productive? The more productive you are, the better your results will be which means greater career success! Whether you’re always trying to improve your productivity or you’re not really one for productivity hacks and tricks, you at least need to give this productivity hack a go. Many professionals have already tried it and found their productivity and focus increasing as a result. So why not give it a try? Introducing the Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that helps you to make the most of the time you have.…
Experience and knowledge are rapidly losing their relevance to success in the workplace. Harvard economist David Deming studied workplace tasks from 1980 to the present day and found that those that emphasize social skills grew by a whopping 24%, while tasks requiring technical know-how and intelligence experienced little growth. Deming also found that salaries increased the most for jobs that place extra emphasis on social skills. With the increasing emphasis on social skills, those who lack them stand out like a zebra in a field of horses. We all know the types: the person who won’t stop talking when you’re…
We’d like to believe that the people we work with and interact with on a daily basis are telling us the truth. If the salesperson says their product can do X, Y and Z, you’d hope you can believe them. If your kids tell you they have no homework this week, you’d hope they’re being honest with you. But what about when you suspect that someone isn’t telling you the truth? Confronting someone you think is lying to you is a difficult task. This is especially true at work as you won’t want to damage your working relationships, so how…