Author: CareerExperts

Interviewing well for any job is a skill which takes preparation together with practise within any field. Sales and trading interviews are no different to that, whether you are looking for a sales position in British or Virgin Media or one that trades Forex or a company like City Index who specialise in CFD trading. An interview for a job at any of these companies, no matter their size or location, requires effort and practise in order to succeed. One of the main things that your prospective employer will be looking for in your sales and trading interview will be…

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Office management is the profession where you are responsible for the design, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of work within an office or an organisation.  The aim is to improve productivity and efficiency and people who undertake the roles have gone through an Office Management Course in order to learn the seven major functions of office management. Planning Planning is the first step in the process, as well as the first step in office management.  It is the creation of a well-defined course for future actions and lays out what people within the office need to do.  It creates stages or…

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Every market in the world relies on technology in some form or another and it’s this adaptability that makes the industry so progressive and diverse. From a professional perspective, technology is the future and offers endless opportunities for career growth and development. Here, Sukh Ryatt, MD at Oak Intranet, shares a few of the things that make the industry so great. New Opportunities The technology sector is constantly changing to embrace new innovations, and career prospects are evolving just as quickly to keep up with the demands of the industry. A basic knowledge of IT is required to fulfil almost…

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Are you going to be starting grad school soon? Or maybe you are considering your options before leaving college and diving into the world of work? Grad school is a huge transition from college and is one that many people tend to underestimate. Here, we are taking you through some of the things that you will definitely want to know before starting grad school. Hard Work Starts Immediately And we mean immediately! While college is hard, grad school is seriously tough and your exams will begin before you have even begun your course, such as the GRE. This means that…

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There is good news for those who enjoy playing video games when they get home from work. There is now solid research showing that playing these games can actually help to improve your performance as well as work; and in doing so, can help you have a successful career. Games such as multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and Fortnite; which require players to be a part of a team and also sometimes lead a team, can help to improve both team working abilities and also leadership skills. It is in fact these skills which can…

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Many students choose to work during their studies as education costs seem to rise every year. However, when it comes to the interview process, students are making some common interview mistakes that are costing them jobs. Around 10 years ago, with fewer sources of information available, many students with no experience had to convince their employer that they deserved to be hired. It was a lot more difficult as they did not have easy access to advice and information.  Now, however, no one should be an interview beginner in the true sense of the word. There is a lot of…

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The internet brings a lot of convenience to our lives, but there’s more use for it than checking emails or updating your Facebook status. In amongst all of the selfies, food pics and likes, there’s actually a lot of pretty neat ways you can use the internet to make money. Here’s our guide to the top five ways to start. 1. Online Surveys If you have a little bit of free time on your hands, either after work or between classes, then online surveys could prove to be a lucrative way for you to start using the internet to make…

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Thanks to new data released by CV-Library, we can now reveal the top 10 industries of 2018! If you’re looking for a new role or a career change, these top 10 UK industries have seen impressive rises in the number of jobs available. 1. Construction – 25,837 job vacancies 2. Engineering – 24,244 job vacancies 3. Education – 12,317 job vacancies 4. IT – 11,065 job vacancies 5. Automotive – 9,321 job vacancies 6. Administration – 9,321 job vacancies 7. Sales – 8,165 job vacancies 8. Accounting – 8,084 job vacancies 9. Social Care – 7,596 job vacancies 10. Manufacturing –…

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It can’t be easy being a graduate in today’s world, despite all the technological and societal advances that have made higher education more accessible in recent years. With every passing year, the population expands, more old jobs get automated into obsolescence, and the level of competition out there gets fiercer. As such, for those outside of the hottest fields or the highest degree classifications, the time after graduation is absolutely critical. If you don’t do everything you can to secure a position, you might be left waiting, opening up a CV gap that could be tough to explain. But the…

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We all know how to listen and we’re all capable of doing it, however, unfortunately listening isn’t something that many of us do well. We like to talk a lot Too much talking and not enough listening plagues a lot of our conversations both at work and in our personal lives. We often put out a thought, ask a question or initiate a topic but before the other person has a chance to respond we give our own thoughts and answer our own questions. We like to talk about ourselves and our opinions, but we don’t always give others the…

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For many of us, building a successful career is an important goal in our life. We want a career that we enjoy, feel passionate about and that facilitates the lifestyle that we want to lead. Sometimes, however, we become bogged down in the every day and lose sight of what we really want from our careers. While we may feel we need to sacrifice some things in order to get to where we want to be, be careful not to lose your way. Here at 10 crucial career lessons that you should learn sooner rather than later. 1. Don’t stay…

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Entering your final year and starting think about lining up a job after graduation? Perhaps you are looking at an internship or placement? If you need a little guidance on the assessment process, take a look at this step by step guide. Step 1 – Identify your dream job Getting clear on your career plan is the first thing you must do so that all your future energy is targeted in the right direction. What would you like from your dream employer? Think about what is important to you – is it location, salary, culture, progression opportunities? There are so…

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Despite the constant fluctuation in tuition fees, university continues to be the most direct route to a skilled career. However, with more and more people gaining university level qualifications than ever before, is the value of a degree diminishing? And if so, are there any alternative routes to becoming a data scientist that offer equal value, without the expense? We spoke to Geoff Cunningham, a Data Science Manager at fleet tracking company, Masternaut about the various career paths into this lucrative business. Can you tell us a bit about your own educational background? Like most young people, I didn’t really…

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Health and safety is not just a motto, or at least, it shouldn’t be. Too many businesses baulk at the upfront costs of improving workplace health and safety. Yet there are many demonstrated benefits to doing so beyond winning safety awards and having happy employees. Here are five reasons health and safety is so essential in the workplace. Improved Productivity Accidents disrupt the flow of business. Injured and sick staff are absent from work, and that reduces how much work can get done. It is estimated that accidents and illnesses in the workplace sap 4% of global productivity. In the…

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There are plenty of reasons why there may be gaps in your work history. You may have taken an extended period of time off work by choice or by necessity. Either way, there is a worry that gaps may put recruiters and hiring managers off. This, however, does not have to be the case. There are lots of people who have gaps in their CV, but the key is to ensure you present these gaps in the right way. You may even be able to use them to your advantage. Let’s address five common reasons why you may have gaps…

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Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” Wilde made it sound so simple, but living with authenticity is a real challenge. To live authentically, you must own your actions and ensure that they align with your beliefs and needs. This can be a difficult thing to maintain when external forces pressure you to do something you’re not comfortable with or to be someone you’re not. Most people have experienced the discomfort that comes with failing to behave authentically. Researchers from Harvard, Columbia, and Northwestern joined forces to measure this phenomenon scientifically. They found that when people failed…

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How often do you find yourself complaining about not having enough time? There are just not enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do! Many of us find ourselves constantly chasing time and wishing we had a bit more of it. We feel rushed and flustered while battling to meet deadlines and arrive at meetings on time. However, your days don’t have to be this way. Not having enough time is rarely the problem, it’s how you’re managing it. Indeed, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate how you’re using your precious hours because ultimately, you’re getting 24…

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Small businesses are often unsure about where to start when it comes to making an impact with their marketing. They have limited time and modest budgets to play with, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t stand out from the crowd. With a sprinkle of innovation and creative thinking, you don’t need a big budget to make a big impact. Something as simple as using coloured or bubble envelopes from can give your business the edge and have the wow factor! Let’s take a look at some other ways you can use marketing to make your small business stand…

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Have you ever been bored in school? I mean not just one aspect of it. The very idea of school bores you. Those classes that feel like it’s going to go on forever when in fact it had just been a minute. The teachers who drone on and on about their own life and not the subjects they were supposed to teach. Not to mention, the pile of paperwork that throw you into a tornado of confusion. All of this culminating to a graduation you barely want to remember, and then what? All the academics that was stuffed into your…

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From cutting-edge technology to executive decision-making, the payroll domain promises no shortage of opportunities and challenges. There’s a stereotype that payroll administrators are number-crunchers, working behind the scenes on the nuts and bolts of the pay process as the rest of their organisation does the ‘important’ work of delivering core services. While there’s obviously some truth to that notion, modern payroll goes far beyond simple calculations, tax reporting, and the delivery of pay: in fact, payroll administrators work at the heart of their organisations, addressing a spectrum of challenges every day. Similarly, payroll careers take place in every sector of…

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