Author: CareerExperts

With Britain’s financial sector currently believed to supply the job market with over a million positions, there are plenty of people knocking on the doors of the country’s major financial institutions looking for work. The financial sector has numerous types of career, and there’s no single, overarching skill set which is applicable to every job in this field. But there are some overarching themes when it comes to skills. Whether it’s an ability to perform basic numeracy tasks or a wider knowledge of the commercial banking scene and investment vehicles like stocks and shares, your career in finance can certainly…

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The 21st century began with a technological boom. It is affecting every aspect of our lives and expanding our job opportunities. Due to these rapid changes, some jobs are becoming obsolete or will soon be of no interest to the new generation. At the same time, there is a whole new world of opportunities that the younger generation might find extremely attractive. People who were born in the year 2000 are turning 18 this year and are either going to start job hunting or planning to spend the next years as students to get higher academic degrees. By talking to…

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It is important that we all practice some good budgeting habits so that we can spend our money for the right purpose. Oftentimes, many people go shopping and end up buying too many items that they may not really require due to lack of a proper budget. What are some of the advantages of budgeting before you make purchases? I guess you will use the money appropriately when you have a budget. Creating a budget can be very easy. However, sticking to the budget so created is one of the most difficult things that people encounter. In this article, we…

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Business consultants have the expertise and skills that are needed to run and succeed in a particular business field or industry. Because of their wide knowledge and skills, individual persons seeking to start a business or business organizations hire consultants to help and offer advice on some of the important things and problems. Their work with the organizations or individual persons is short term, same as with the contractors and the freelancers. However, there is a difference between them; and that is, the contractors are employed to do a particular task while the consultants are hired because of their vast…

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The Candidate journey is the process an applicant must move through when applying for a job with your company. It is comprised of every touch point that a candidate has with your brand as they move along your application process, it will play a big part in shaping the opinion that is formed of your company as an employer. From applying to job adverts and having initial discussions with recruiters, through to interview and offer stage, every part of this journey must reflect your brand’s professionalism and personality. This infographic from StandOut CV shows 7 actionable steps you can take…

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You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your work colleagues. Throughout your working life, you’re bound to come across some irritating colleagues some of which are a little annoying and a small handful seem unbearable. Below are 11 of the worst types of people you can encounter at work. How many of them are currently in your office? 1. The Micromanager Micromanagers are quite common in the workplace. They’re the people that ask you to complete a task but then continuously interfere and try to take control. You’ll probably wonder why they didn’t just do it themselves in…

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We all go through periods at work where we feel tired, drained and that we just don’t have enough energy to focus on the tasks at hand. Having low energy levels not only has a negative impact on our productivity and results, it can also affect our working relationships both with colleagues and clients. Keeping our energy levels high then is super-important if we want to be successful at work. GetVoIP has created a really useful infographic to help you to boost your energy levels and keep them consistent throughout the day. Find the ways that work best for you…

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As the world is slowly changing thanks to advancements in technology, it becomes hard to know if your chosen career path is going to be sustainable going forward. Some jobs that have been reliable for generations and generations are becoming obsolete. In fact, some of them are already gone. You can chalk a lot of this up to one particular element of advanced technology, and that’s the rise of Artificial Intelligence. We live in a society now where autonomous robots have come so far that a lot of human jobs can effectively be replaced by AI. This ranges from computer-oriented jobs to…

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A private tutor can be the difference between a student who is struggling and one who is doing well, whether that student needs just a little assistance to get over a small hump or is at a complete loss when trying to understand what he is studying. You can simply find a 1-on-1 tutor who can perfectly guide a student to a whole new world of understanding. The benefits of having a private tutor can include: 1. Imparts Test Skills to a Learner Even the best students can get poor grades because they do not know the proper way to…

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Have you ever been fond of languages and the complexity of words carrying different meanings in different languages? Are you a talented individual having command over more than one language, particularly Dutch language? Do you wish to make use of this particular skill? Or are you simply looking for a job in the translation industry? Let us help you. As the world has become an epitome of modernization, the industries continue to expand into the horizon. Their foundation of expanding their business on the global market continues to develop as the industrializing world helps these industries to lay the bricks…

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Either you’ve found that you’ve hit a glass ceiling on how far you can progress in your chosen career or have decided to pivot to a completely different one. In both situations, it can be beneficial to go back to college or university to study for a different HND or degree in your chosen subject. You should be prepared to look for the right college or university where you can receive the best education. Not every educational establishment might offer a place, so you might get out of your comfort zone by needing to move to another city while taking…

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What many candidates don’t realise is that interviews can be just as nerve-wracking for the person on the other side of the table. If you’re interviewing for a project manager role in 2018, the best way to get over any pre-interview nerves is to be prepared. Moving away from the usual job interview questions, there are a few specific questions you should be asking in 2018 to make sure you are hiring the right project managers to help your company to flourish. What task do you spend most of your day on? There is no right or wrong answer to…

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Absence from work and poor attendance is a profit zapping duo for any company or entrepreneur. As an employer, your failure to address attendance problems in the short-term could lead to a failure of your business in the long-term. In other words, ignore your employee’s poor attendance at your peril. While it is true to say that in most cases there is a legitimate reason for an employee to be absent from work, there are unfortunate instances in which an employee will fail to provide a sufficient reason for their poor attendance. In such stressful situations you, as the employer,…

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Working from home is the dream setup, right? You can choose your hours and working in your pyjamas is perfectly acceptable, while you also don’t have to worry about the cost or stress of the commute. With its perks, however, there are also challenges. The home is full of distractions, and it’s easy to fall into bad habits if you don’t apply a bit of self-discipline. Hiscox recently enlisted the help of an occupational health therapist and interior designer to create a handy guide for creating your own home office heaven. Here are a few of their top pointers for…

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Do you find it difficult to come up with new and innovative ideas? For those that struggle to keep up with the stream of suggestions from colleagues, it’s easy to make the excuse that you’re just not the “creative type”. Don’t let this stop you! There are plenty of ways that you can learn to become a more creative thinker. Give the tips and tricks below a try and see how your creativity flourishes. 1. Read something different If you’re always reading the same types of novels or magazines you may want to try something new that you wouldn’t normally…

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Most businesses are run by highly intelligent people, and when businesses fail it’s usually due to these smart leaders’ boneheaded mistakes. Even when a product—or lack of one—is at the center of the spectacle, flawed thinking by very smart people is often what made things fall apart. There are far too many examples of this to list them all, but among my favorites is Kodak, a company that invented and then sat on the technology for digital photography because its leadership was afraid it would disrupt their core business (they eventually went bankrupt). And then there’s Xerox, a company that…

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A cover letter is an additional document that job seekers use to accompany their resume to complete a job application which is why it is essential that, beyond being well-written and relevant to the specific vacancy, a cover letter needs to grab the potential employer’s attention within the first few seconds. There are several ways of doing this, from traditional methods to making creative, bold statements to using a professional cover letter writing service like that offered on resume services, but every technique should be well researched, depending on the type of candidate, position and company you’re applying to. Read…

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All good business leaders know that their most valuable asset is their employees. Good people help businesses to thrive and replacing them is very costly and often difficult. In an ideal world then, we want our best employees to stay with the company for as long as possible. So how can we stop them from leaving? Drum roll, please! The number one reason why employees leave is because they are unhappy with the management style. They may enjoy their job and feel passionate about the company, but if your employees are not being managed effectively they will jump ship sooner…

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In this era of technological advancements in virtually every sector, the success of any organization will largely depend on proper integration and usage of rightful technology in operations as this has proven to enhance productivity as well as effectiveness. There is much software in the market intended to execute similar functions, choosing the best, therefore, can be an uphill task to many. Proper selection and installation of software to perform different functions are mandatory. Some of the considerations that will guide you in selecting the best software include: 1. Focus on your business and know your needs Do you need…

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As a sole trader, looking after your finances is a tough task even at the best of times. From the ongoing deadlines imposed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to take into account, to the impact of unstable cash flows, managing self-employed finances is often a bit tricky. But help is at hand – and this article will share some top tips on how to achieve it. Get a calendar Going self-employed is the sort of task that many people see as a liberation from the drudgery of the nine-to-five. But while there are plenty of obvious benefits in…

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