Author: CareerExperts

It goes without saying that engaged employees are more productive, more efficient, more customer-focused, they generate more profit and they are less likely to leave their job compared to more disengaged colleagues. One of the major ways to keep employees engaged is the workplace environment, which plays a major role in the performance and productivity of an employee. Employee engagement isn’t a buzzword that Human Resources roll out once a year, instead it should be a key business initiative that helps drive employee performance and improvement all year round. But what produces an engaging workplace? Give your employees the space…

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When choosing a career path, most people look at what they can make without considering the cost of running a business if they should branch out on their own. No matter what profession you are in, there are certain costs to keep the doors open. If you are wondering what kind of careers would lead to a need for liability or indemnity insurance, here is a basic outline of what you can expect. Public Liability When Working with the Public While there is no law saying that you must carry public liability insurance if you work with the general public,…

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College students often have tough decisions to make when on the verge of improving their lives. And one of the most common and easiest things to achieve is getting a part-time job. However, this decision is often circled with numerous pros and cons. Therefore, before getting yourself busy with balancing a job and your studies, here are a few things to consider first. Pros Improves Your Time Management Skills Most freelance writing jobs for college students have a specific time set for submission. Therefore, when you take on these types of jobs, you should be ready to adhere to deadlines…

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This is a challenge that faces any new leader in a professional commercial environment – managing your team but at the same time, building strong and positive relationships. As a team leader or manager, you will often find yourself facing challenges and there is a lot of learning that takes place. One of the ways you can quickly become an effective leader is by getting to know your team well and building strong relationships with both the team as a whole, and as individuals. There are several ways you can do this, and it is a lot easier thank you…

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Regardless of how qualified you are for the job, for you to be called for that job interview you have to send in your resume. A resume is what gives the hiring managers an overview of what you are capable of in case you get the job opportunity. Therefore, you must ensure that your CV is incredible and will capture their attention instantly. If you are not sure what to include in it, here are a few helpful tips. Focus On Content The common mistake that people do is focusing on formatting instead of the material. Although formatting your resume…

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It can be an uphill task sometimes trying to find an attorney who is the right fit to handle your legal problem. Court cases do take time, money, and can weigh you down emotionally. You, therefore, want an attorney who will help you rather than derail you. You need to perform some due diligence and research candidates before hiring. Here are 6 questions to ask an attorney before you hire them: 1. How Many Years Have You Been Practicing Law? It is important that you know the attorney’s work experience and his or her level of expertise. It is good…

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Being a landlord is a great way to generate a steady extra income for yourself and gain financial security for the future. Being a landlord is becoming an attractive prospect in the UK, with around one in ten people having considered taking out a buy to let mortgage in 2018. With a number of UK cities offering promising prospects for potential buy to let investors, it’s easy to see why buy to let property investment is such a popular venture to consider. For those who are keen to become a landlord but want to be sure they’re making the right…

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Did you know that 37% of Americans and 40% of UK workers now have a side hustle? This term is defined as an extra business venture undertaken alongside a regular job, as a way to boost income and become more financially stable. There are a plethora of side hustle ideas, with some being more lucrative and successful than others. If you’re interested in earning a significant amount of extra money but don’t want to waste your time, take a look at this guide to some of the most lucrative side hustles you can embark on. Property investment Property investment is…

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Some people have an uncanny ability to get things done. They keep their nights and weekends sacred and still get more done than people who work 10 or 20 hours more per week than they do. A study from Stanford shows that they are on to something. The study found that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops off so much after 55 hours that there’s no point in working any more.That’s right, people who work as much as 70 hours (or more) per week actually get the same amount done as people who work…

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Giving your career a strong head start begins with an initial strategy. Developing a plan for a student career that is failure proof is challenging. It has to sustain against shifts of the preferences or local and global economy. Here are the basic things that will look good on a CV when you graduate: 1. Promotion on part-time roles or results on odd jobs No need to be ashamed of working as a coffee shop barista while you are a future marketing expert. Analyze your experience to pinpoint the milestones you’ve managed to accredit. How many regular customers appeared since you have started? Have…

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If you’ve climbed the career ladder all the way to a management position, then you’ll know that you now have plenty of new challenges to face. Being a good leader isn’t easy and there are a number of common traps that you’re in danger of falling into. If you want to be a successful leader, avoid these mistakes. 1. Not listening to the opinions of others Good managers accept that they don’t always know best and value the ideas of their team. Everyone sees things in different ways and we all have our strengths, so make the most of what…

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If you’re a business leader, you’ll know just how valuable – and transferable – your skills are to a whole host of other areas. As a leader, your to-do list features everything from financial management to the creation of a company culture – and these are all useful transferable skills no matter what career path you choose to take in the future. And in some cases, it’s even possible to push this much further and give yourself the good grounding you need to move from business management into even more unusual areas, such as politics, teaching and more. This article…

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Often, you’ll be able to tell at the end of an interview whether you did a good job or not. If you accidentally managed to offend the interviewer or showed that you’re not qualified for the role, you won’t be surprised if you don’t receive a callback. However, when you leave an interview feeling really confident and like you did a fantastic job, it can be confusing to hear that you didn’t get the role. What went wrong? Sometimes small phrases or words that you use during an interview can be enough to put the employer off. Below are some…

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Are you planning to work for a startup? Do you want the best resume for landing a job? Contrary to the beliefs, startups are picky. They go through all the details to ensure that they are hiring the best talents. Startups rely on the employees most. Employees are their assets. They can make or break the company dreams. Therefore, you should assume that startups are picker even than Google. What will a startup want to see on your resume? Startups will look at your work experience, job history, passion, and expertise for considering you for their job. Here are the…

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It can be very frustrating when you find a fantastic role that is exactly what you have been looking for, only to see that you don’t have the experience or qualifications required. However, even if you don’t tick every box on the requirements list this doesn’t mean that you should give up. You may still be able to impress the hiring manager by using keywords that will stand out and hopefully help you to get your foot through the door. When you are applying and interviewing for jobs, it’s important to remember that experience and qualifications aren’t everything. If you…

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An online payment method allows people to pay electronically for the services or products that they buy from your store. Although every business wants to offer flexible payment options for its customers, there are several factors that have to be considered when integrating a payment system with your website. For a start, you have to factor into the issue of security of personal details. And that’s not all. You have to select a method that’s widely accepted in different countries. Since payment methods generate income for the companies that develop them, you must look for one that charges a fair…

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There’s a lot of conversations that go on in the office – from the awkward small talk with your boss to banter with your work bestie. Sometimes it can be difficult to strike a good balance with your workplace conversations. If you go on about work all the time, people might think you’re uptight and boring. If you share too much information about your personal life or are constantly cracking jokes, you may be viewed as unprofessional and not taking your career seriously. Our daily conversations at work are extremely important and can have a big impact on your career.…

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While the main goal of a business is to make money and provide a great product or service, there are other things that worry these organizations, too. Chief among them is how to successfully retain good employees. After all, an organization is only as good as the people who work for it. Not only is losing a coveted employee a setback in terms of productivity, it also means you will have to start fresh and potentially spend a pretty penny on hiring someone new. In order to prevent that from happening too frequently, you should be sure to use effective…

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Being asked about your current salary in a job interview can feel uncomfortable and a little intrusive however it is a common question that you need to be prepared for. While you may be tempted to give a vague answer or to try and dodge the question completely, the best way to make a good impression and to improve your chances of getting the job is to tell the truth. By being truthful with your interviewer, and potential future employer, you are starting your relationship on the right foot and demonstrating that you are an honest and trustworthy employee. There…

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You run a company and you need to hire a lot of skilled workers and quick, so what is the game plan?  One option is to get a temp agency on the case, taking whatever workers they send and seeing how things work out. You could also just start looking at whatever CVs you already have on file and call people who may have first inquired with your company many months ago. In reality, the best way for most companies to get skilled workers is to host a hiring event or job fair on premises. You and your hiring managers…

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