Author: CareerExperts

Being a fire marshal in the UK is an important job. They’re responsible for identifying potential problems that could result in a fire, make notes about fire safety, and reporting to a higher authority in the company. Escape routes out of the building must be clear of obstructions at all times and the fire marshal is responsible for ensuring that too. They also must act in the correct manner should a fire break out, directing staff inside the building to the correct exit points where they can quickly move outside. You don’t just become a fire marshal by being hired…

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Retiring is a major life event and it is important for you to find out how to prepare mentally, emotionally as well as physically for retirement. If you are thinking about retiring there are several things to consider such as career decisions, your intended lifestyle after retirement, among others. The 3 tips below will help you to retire with responsibility and make your retirement transition smooth. Have a future plan Determine when you want to retire and settle on a time when you know that you will be comfortable. By choosing the right time to retire you can enjoy the…

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Perfecting your CV should always be the first step on your job-hunting checklist and it is one of the most important. Certain CV mistakes could see your applications being dumped in the reject pile, costing you the role that you want. In his new book, ‘The 7 Second CV: How to Land the Interview’, James Reed reveals the CV mistakes that could be the most damaging to your job search: 1. A lack of relevant work history If you’re looking to move jobs but have no relevant experience, it’s highly unlikely that your application will be taken forward. The only…

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Are you currently looking for a new job? One of the most difficult parts of finding a new role is being able to stand out from all the other job seekers that are doing it too. Everyone is emailing a CV and writing a cover letter about their relevant skills and experience, so what can you do differently? Using materials like printed brochures and professional business cards is an excellent way to showcase yourself and stand out from your competition. Here’s how to get yourself noticed. A portfolio with a difference If you work in a creative field or deal…

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‘Winter is coming’ might be the adage of this decade, but in reality, spring is right around the corner and it’s definitely time to prepare your spaces for it. While the homes might be susceptible for a deep cleansing session, it’s always recommended to spruce up your office desks as well. Doing so will not only make you feel deeply satisfied but also mentally energize you as well. You’ll feel happier, fresher, and able to delve into your work with new vigor. Here are 5 useful tips you can use to revive your office desk: 1. Get some peace of…

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There are currently hundreds of thousands of job openings in the UK which is good news for anyone looking for a new role in 2019. But what are the best jobs currently in the UK market? Glassdoor have been doing some investigating and based on their data have released a list of what they deem to be the best jobs in the UK for 2019. They have calculated a job score which is determined by weighing three factors equally: earning potential (median annual base salary), overall job satisfaction rating, and number of job openings on The results below represent…

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Foster care involves attending to minor children and raising them up like they are our biological offspring. The foster care system in most respective institution operates on a particular procedure before admitting one to be a foster carer, in a manner that filters out all unfit applicants only to leave the applicants that have met the criteria of a foster carer. In this article, we shall highlight the criteria that foster care agencies abide by while looking for a fit carer in the foster institution. The criteria applied by foster care agencies while searching for the appropriate adopting parent include;…

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Starbucks continues to grow relentlessly, with CEO Howard Schultz planning to open 500 new stores a year over the next five years. Much of this growth will happen in China, where Schulz is undeterred by the recent economic slowdown. While many factors contribute to Starbucks’ immunity to economic trends, most are driven by Schultz. Starbucks’ massive size hasn’t stopped him from realizing his vision of creating a company that’s about much more than making money selling coffee; Schultz is committed to selling an experience and a lifestyle, both of which are inspired by a trip to Italy as a child,…

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Are you thinking of looking for a new job opportunity in 2019? When it comes to finding a new role there are plenty of job sites to choose from. In fact, there are so many job sites on the market that it can be difficult to know where to start. We’ve compiled a list of the UK’s best job sites for 2019 based on the number of monthly visitors they receive. Let’s take a look. The best job sites 2019 are: 1. Indeed Maintaining the top spot on our job sites list for 2019 is Indeed! Indeed helps companies of all…

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It would be great if there was a magical word or phrase you could use that made people agree with you. “Abracadabra” – now your employer has agreed to give you the five grand pay rise you want! Unfortunately, in the real world, we have to work a lot harder to win people round to our way of thinking. However, the good news is there are certain words and phrases you can use when negotiating a higher salary that do have a lot of persuasive power. If you can be confident, pleasant and demonstrate your knowledge, you may well be…

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The start of a new year is an ideal time to review your CV, ensuring that it attracts recruiters’ attention, helping you progress in the hiring process. Take your CV back to basics, streamlining your content and structure, focusing on the core skills and achievements that make you the perfect fit for your chosen industry. Before applying in 2019, use these five steps to write a CV that impresses. Assess what skills you gained in 2018 Review the skills you acquired from any work experience, qualifications undertaken, or even through hobbies or interests. If you’re struggling to compile a list…

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Career success is always the goal, but have you thought about what habits would make you prosper more? Work habits can be separated into two kinds; good habits which will help you reach the top in a smooth way and on the other side you have the bad habits which could leave you trailing behind. Work habits are often similar to everyday life habits but they differ in terms of who we are dealing with, where and how? Here are the most common preferable work habits we advise you to practice so you make sure you’re on the right track…

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Most if not all relationships usually go through phases. Normally, there will be those times that are good as well as other times that are equally challenging and downright bad. When you notice that your relationship might be taking a turn for the worst, don’t fret. All can be made right once again. It’s not luck that makes a great relationship. There’s actually a series of specific actions and skills that can help you strengthen your relationship and we’re going to get into a few of them in this article. Below are the 8 ways you can make your relationship…

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When it comes to your career, it’s important to keep an eye on current trends and how the workplace is changing. You should equip yourself with skills that are in demand and where necessary adapt what you do to ensure you are always an asset for employers. While your education and work experience are valuable, many employers are shifting their attention toward the skills that potential employees can bring to their team. This is certainly true of forward-thinking technology companies like Facebook. “We actually value skills over experience in the grand scheme of things,” says Janelle Gale, Facebook’s vice president…

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Applying for a loan is not just about filling out an application and getting the funds. It is a process that should be approached with caution. When used responsibly, loans can help improve your financial position. They can also cause you serious financial pain if they are taken for the wrong reasons. Here are 5 things you should know on your first-time loan application: 1. Why you are borrowing This is one of the most important considerations for any first-time loan applicant. Borrowing has huge financial implications and it can either help you grow or hurt you. It all depends…

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Young people, or ‘millennials’, certainly get something of a bad rep in the media, especially when it comes to their performance in the workplace. Smartphone-obsessed, unmotivated and ambitious, but unwilling to put the effort in – this simply isn’t a fair way to portray an entire generation. In less than a decade, millennials will make up 50% to 75% of the entire workforce, but here’s how you can make the most of their unique skillset right now. 1. Business culture Many millennials value where they work, and what the business represents, just as much as the money they bank at…

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Bad habits could be stopping you from developing professionally and reaching your full potential and the worst part is, you may not even realise you have them! Here are nine habits that could be hurting your productivity and career. If you can recognise and tackle them now, you’ll be more successful in the future. 1. Not sticking to a routine Sticking to a routine can help you to stay focused and achieve more. If you have a set routine, then you shouldn’t have to make as many decisions and you can avoid distractions. This means that you’ll be much more…

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When you’re a buy to let investor looking to make a solid property investment, you want to be sure you’re choosing the opportunity that will be most worthwhile in the long run. One of the most important things for any property investment to be a success is a high level of demand, which is why investing your money into the type of property that appeals to tenants is a must. Whatever your target audience, here are a few of the most popular property types that prospective tenants love. Luxury student accommodation Student accommodation is not what it used to be…

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Investors from all over the world are recognising the potential of the UK’s property market. With a number of UK cities offering fantastic potential for buy to let investors, house prices that have soared by a massive 306% in the last 20 years. With house prices expected to grow by 2020, now is the perfect time to take the plunge into a property investment venture. To make everything a bit clearer, here’s a handy guide outlining some of the key benefits of investing in UK property. There’s a lot of demand Demand for property in the UK is increasingly high…

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Becoming a foster care parent to a child in foster care can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world. There is a real need for caring and loving foster parents in the life of a child in the foster care system. The need is for well-adjusted adults who are caring, loving and want to make a difference in a child’s life to step up to the plate and do just that. There are millions of children waiting in the foster care system around the world who want loving homes and devoted parents. This article will discuss the…

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