Author: CareerExperts

Meetings are often the centre around which an efficient workplace revolves. Used to set objectives and goals, to brief team members on developments, and to decide on future courses of action, in many ways team meetings can be the most important part of the working week. Yet, too many of us turn up at them woefully unprepared. Making an impact in a meeting is the best way to get noticed at work. Making valuable contributions will help your career to progress and will give you confidence in your abilities and decisions. For this reason, Unchain your Brain are offering a…

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How often do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your social media newsfeeds looking at mundane life updates of people you barely know and depressing news headlines? Wouldn’t it be better if you could see uplifting and inspirational content appearing on a daily basis? If you want to inject some positivity and motivation into your day, we recommend following these 4 exceptional speakers. 1. Simon Sinek You may have come across Simon Sinek in your newsfeeds already as his video on millennials in the workplace went viral back in 2016. Sinek is a British-American motivational speaker, success coach and author of…

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There’re a few ways to gauge whether a business is truly successful in its endeavours. However, one of the main ways to determine this is by analysing their turnover rate. Are staff loyal and feeling fulfilled in their roles? Alternatively, would they rather be anywhere else and are they planning on leaving? Ultimately, the answers to these questions can be very telling. That said, it’s worth asking the big question here; how do businesses ensure a low staff turnover rate? Negative Impacts Before discussing how to gain a low staff turnover rate, it’s worth considering the negative impacts of a…

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Whether you’re trying to supplement your income, make some money as a student, or want to do this as a full-time job, working for ridesharing companies has its fair share of advantages. They’re often easy to start working with, allow full-time drivers to earn a living wage, and are growing in popularity around the country. But they do have their disadvantages as well that should not be overlooked. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of working for a ridesharing service. Pro – Flexible Schedule One of the best things about working for a ride-sharing service…

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As a recent graduate in 2019, you’ll be entering a highly competitive job market. The great news is that there’s plenty of job availability. The bad news is that there are increasingly larger amounts of candidates in the candidate pool when applying for jobs. In this guide we’re going to cover why this is happening, what you can do to get noticed in a competitive job market (standing out), getting yourself ready for interviews and increasing your odds of finding employment. Why is the job market so volatile The number of candidates entering the job market is always increasing due…

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While owning a house is a dream come true for many, it’s likely to be the most expensive purchase you’ve ever made. And since you have thought about it for a long time now, you have an extensive list of features that you desire- whether it’s a gourmet kitchen, a large master bedroom with walk-in closets or even a spacious bathroom with a Jacuzzi. If you’re a landowner and planning to sell your property, Caple Royalty Services is a team of executors, lawyers, and financial planners that have helped various land, oil and mineral owners in selling their property. Consulting…

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These days, employee benefits are extremely important in business. No longer are they just seen as perks of a job; they’re actually expected as a necessity. This is largely in part, down to the sheer amount of options available to job seekers today. There is a lot of competition across all sectors, which means if employees aren’t happy, they won’t think twice about switching to one of your competitors. If you’re not offering good perks, you’re not going to attract the most talented employees. Here, we’ll look at some of the best employee benefits a business can offer its workers.…

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Is your business facing difficulties you’re struggling to resolve? Interim management may be the solution. There are a lot of reasons interim managers are called in to help a company. Whether it be due to staff shortages, or down to changes within the business which existing managers don’t have the right expertise to handle. Whatever the reasons, interim management can deliver numerous benefits. Here, we’ll look at just some of the ways interim management can help your business out of a tight spot. They bring an outsider’s perspective If your business is struggling to find a solution to a specific…

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It isn’t just down to business owners to handle expenses – most enterprises expect all employees to understand this area. Though it can seem like a complex field, really, it isn’t. So long as they know how it works, staff will be able to spend company money wisely. To explore the subject completely, follow our ultimate guide. What Exactly is a Business Expense? As its name suggests, a business expense is any cost incurred by a company. Often, it’s tax-deductible, meaning that its price can be deducted from the amount of tax that must be paid by your employer. To…

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There’s no doubt that work brings us many benefits. After all, it takes up much of our time and is our source of income. The late theoretical physicist Professor Stephen Hawking explained, as quoted by TIME: “Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.” With your work colleagues, you have probably also built up a camaraderie which has led you to realise how socially enriching work can be. Here’s how co-workers can help to ease your self-care… Why self-care is important in the workplace Naturally, knowing that you’re doing your job well can boost your self-esteem.…

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One of the biggest challenges every job seeker faces is standing out from their competition. There will usually be plenty of other candidates with the right experience for the role, so why should the recruiter think that you are the best? Instead of focusing on how your experience sets you apart, you should think about how who you are will help you to stand out. That’s the secret to proving you are the best candidate for the job and the reason they will remember and hire you. Here’s what you need to show your potential employer. 1. Your Resilience and…

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How do you optimize your PPC campaign?  These campaigns don’t get the respect they deserve. Still, if you want to promote your site for less and in an effective way Don’t worry, you have come to the right place. Following, we are giving you some tips on how to improve your PPC campaign and drive better results. 1.  Localization China is a massive market and its very competitive. The only way to survive in the Chinese marketplace is to mend yourself according to the consumer’s needs. The website and ads better are in Chinese if you are targeting the consumer…

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Do you have a passion for gardening? If so, why not turn that passion into a lucrative business idea? It’s never been easier to set up your own business, though becoming a gardener will require some initial investment. There are also a lot of factors you need to consider when setting up your own business. To help, below you’ll discover some of the main things to know before starting a successful gardening business. Are you qualified? Although there aren’t any specific qualifications you’ll need to start a gardening business, it is recommended you get some form of training. At the…

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Asking your boss for a pay rise can be nerve-wracking and even a little stressful. There’s always some risk involved as they may say no, plus talking about money especially with your boss is rarely easy. This is why it’s so important to pick the best time to ask for a pay rise and to know that you have a solid case. Asking for a pay rise is difficult because there are a number of factors that influence the outcome, some that you can control and some that you can’t. For example, your own performance and success are down to…

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I’ve always envied those colleagues who were seemingly able to navigate the landscape of a company in such an efficient way. They seemed to be able to get all of their work done in an effective, frictionless way. When I sat down with one of these colleagues they began to tell me that I was communicating to my colleagues in the ways of which I personally wanted to be communicated to. That struck me as wise. And true. The lesson I learned when sitting down with this colleague is that everyone has different working styles and appreciates being communicated to…

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The stock market is one of the perfect ways for millennials to make some extra money. Many millennials do not like to dabble in the stock market. The truth is that, if you do it right it can be beneficial for you in the longer term. Also, if you’re worried about the future, you can easily indulge in trading which will help you profit from the short term momentum rather than the long-term fundamentals. When you indulge in trading, you can profit not just from up moves but also from the down moves. We will highlight a few reasons why…

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The further you climb up your career ladder, the easier it becomes to assume you are up to speed in your field. The more experience you get under your belt the more you learn and become an expert, but what happens when you reach your peak? The importance of continuing your learning No matter how much experience or knowledge you have, there’s always more to learn and it’s important to stay relevant in our ever-changing world. By continuing to invest time in learning you will: Sustain your professional creativity and passion Increase your job security Hone new skills and achieve…

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It’s no secret that we’re obsessed with happiness. After all, the “pursuit of happiness” is even enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. But happiness is fleeting. How can we find it and keep it alive? Psychologists at the University of California have discovered some fascinating things about happiness that could change your life. Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky is a psychology professor at the Riverside campus who is known among her peers as “the queen of happiness.” She began studying happiness as a grad student and never stopped, devoting her career to the subject. One of her main discoveries is that we…

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Getting the right help can be quite challenging these days. I mean, everyone may “seem” like the perfect fit but in the end, they don’t deliver. Why does this happen, you ask? Well, I have a very simple answer to that: People are all wanna-be actors. It’s easy to act the part of a totally capable and talented employee but it’s just as easy to fail. After all, you can’t act out a role forever. You can put on a façade for a day or two – months, at most – but eventually, you’ll revert back to the real you.…

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The UK job market is vast. Last year, the total number of British workers was estimated at 32.60 million. It spans an array of sectors, from health care to finance to retail. Which one do you belong to? Do you want to progress in it? If so, you can — you just need to know how to stay relevant. That way, you’ll be able to meet any future demands within your job role. This guide could help you to achieve this. Industry research The world is constantly changing — and so are its main industries. As tech advances, it seems…

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