In the age of online engagement and social media, a company’s aesthetic can mean everything. And that isn’t only true for newer companies, or personal brands. Any companies that are trying to engage with potential customers must, at the very least, be aware of how to present a fresh, modern image. There are quite a few brands that have refreshed themselves largely through image makeovers alone, proving the significance of the look and basic presentation of an online company or website. Here are four examples of companies and categories that demonstrate this particularly effectively. 1. Sportswear Brands With Nike and…
Author: CareerExperts
What makes a good leader can be difficult to pinpoint. Leadership skills are vital for a range of roles including CEOs, directors, managers, supervisors and trainers, however, many people can go through their entire careers without learning key leadership lessons. If you want to be a great leader, it’s important to learn the lessons below as early as possible in your career. They’ll certainly help you on your way to success! 1. Hire smart people ‘It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to…
Are you thinking of setting up your own business? Good for you! While you may be filled with excitement and keen to throw yourself into this new venture, there are some important things to consider so you get off to the best possible start. According to the Small Business Association, 30% of new businesses fail during the first two years, and 50% during the first five years. Here are three things you can do to avoid becoming a part of this statistic. 1. Realistically estimate costs One of the most important things to do when starting up a business is…
Brexit and the need for Interim Supply Chain Executives By Hilary Rundle, Director at Bis Henderson Recruitment Brexit is coming and the effects on the supply chain industry are driving a need for interim supply chain executives– read on to find out why and how an interim could drive competitive edge… Even if the UK finally leaves the European Union on 31 October, the bad news is, that isn’t the end. In fact, it’s just the beginning of a whole set of changes in trade and other processes that may occur with bewildering rapidity. Opportunities to gain competitive advantage For…
Human resource as a field is divided into four equally important sections. Training and development focuses on the improvement of the employees. Compensation and benefits aims to give the right salary to the employee based on their job descriptions. They are also responsible for designing a job package for the applicant as well as handling government mandated benefits. Employee and Labor Relations are concerned with the welfare of the employees and the implementation of the rules and regulations for the whole company. All of these though would not even start working without the first in this process: Recruitment and selection.…
Our hobbies say a lot about our personality. They are what we choose to do to relax and entertain ourselves and while we enjoy doing them, our hobbies may also be the key to making us smarter. Did you know, for example, that exercising regularly makes you smarter, playing a musical instrument can boost your cognitive abilities and video games can train your brain? Take a look at this infographic by Pro Essay Writer to find out which are the five hobbies you need to adopt to improve your IQ.
Online colleges offer convenience to students. Enrolling with them enables you to learn anytime and anywhere. Plus, it also provides schedule flexibility, so it’s an ideal setup for those who want to keep their jobs while getting a degree. There’s an assortment of degrees that you can learn online nowadays. From accounting and human resources to more technical programs, you can choose the curriculum that you want. Computer science is a popular choice among students because it equips you with the language of the future, which is coding. Today, everything revolves around technology, and it pays to learn how to…
If you love coffee and people, running your own coffee shop would be the perfect career choice. Coffee shops have remained popular despite the downfall in high-street retail. However, their popularity means that there’s a lot of competition within the sector. If you’re looking to start your own coffee shop, you’re going to need to find a way to stand out above your competitors. There’s also a lot of factors you’ll need to consider. To help, here you’ll discover some of the main things to focus on when looking to start your own coffee shop. Do you have the right…
There are several reasons why people start their own business. It could be that they want to be their own boss or that they have an idea they think will make them rich. Whatever the reason for starting a business, you first need to work out if the idea is worthwhile or if it will just give you stress and financial woes. There are a few things you can do before starting your business to help you determine this, and here are just a few suggestions that might help. Research, Research and Research Again Research has never been easier. All…
When taking your first step into employment after education or making a career change, it’s essential to tailor your CV to the role and industry you’re pursuing to make your skills a custom fit. However, without any industry-specific work experience, it can feel impossible to showcase why you’d be the ideal applicant. Thankfully, there are numerous ways to build your skills, boost your CV and increase your chances of landing that all-important interview: 1. Volunteer Volunteering is a great way to highlight your marketable strengths, whilst also demonstrating how you’ve been able to juggle studies and additional responsibilities. If you…
There will come a time in the lives of most people when they find themselves looking for a job. They could be unemployed and looking to get into work, they could have been made redundant, or it could be a decision to make a career change. Whatever the reason, New Skills Academy can be a great help. It can often be the case where there is a large number of applicants all vying for the same job, especially when these positions are highly sought after as well as infrequent. So, to stand an improved chance of being successful, it’s crucial…
Getting a new job is not an easy task it requires your time and efforts to put in it. Finding a new job can be frustrating and challenging. You can make this practice easy for yourself by adopting some strategies. We have made a list of all job seekers to find a job for them. 1. Be Specific Before starting your search for a job, take some time to decide the type of work you want to do. Also, give yourself time to reflect your weakness and strength. This will help you to find a job according to your aptitude. The…
Sticking your neck out and taking charge of your career is no trivial matter. Whether that’s switching careers, going back to school, or walking away from a j-o-b to start your own business, it takes a lot of guts. But guts will only get you so far. Once you build up the nerve and make the leap, you’re no more than 5% of the way there. You still have to succeed in your new endeavor, and trying to succeed is when your worst fears (the ones that made you hesitate in the first place) will come true. I’m going to…
People sometimes seek greener pastures, especially to build career expertise. Medical professionals, doctors in particular, are of no exception. In most cases, opportunities for growth are found overseas, typically in first world countries such as Australia. Doctors who want to work in Australia need to register with the correct medical body. Specialists in particular need to be assessed by The Royal Australasian College of Physicians to determine if the international training is up to the medical standards imposed in Australia. So before even taking the plunge, it is important to know the market such as the specific locations and areas…
For many London commuters, drinking and commuting seem to go hand-in-hand, especially among the younger generation. While having a drink before work can help you feel relaxed, this habit can pose many dangers and is unprofessional. Although drinking is still harmful even while at home, the threat increases when you are in an urban area where you know few people. Read to discover how the increase in alcohol consumption has impacted London commuters. Getting into Fights or Arrested Unfortunately, losing control is among the top things that people experience after having some drinks. Some will also lose their polite nature.…
How are you currently spending your lunch break? Do you even take one? With many of us working longer hours and cutting our breaks to get more done, we are putting ourselves at risk of burning out. Our lunch break is a key time to re-fuel and re-energise before hitting the ground running again in the afternoon. If you’re worried that taking a break will ruin your flow and focus, think again. Taking breaks is proven to boost your motivation, productivity and focus. In order to make the most of your lunch break, we’ve got some recommendations on how to…
Many hiring managers find IT recruitment as a perplexing process. For many HR professionals, the information technology (IT) field is a new frontier that usually results in an inadequate screening process. Because IT specialists are in-demand, companies should execute strict hiring and recruitment. At the same time, businesses should offer plenty of incentives and a clear direction to attract top talents. In this post, you’ll learn some of the best recruitment tips when finding the best employees for the IT job. Understand Your IT Needs Recruiting IT specialist involves deploying the right tactics. This is done so that you can…
In today’s increasingly complex landscape of data privacy, evolving environmental law and growing political uncertainty, the demand for talented risk management professionals in the business world is on the rise. But what do they actually do, and how can you become one? In short, risk consultants help organisations to identify any potential threats they face, and put plans in place to avoid, reduce or transfer their impact. These threats could affect employees, customers, reputation and more, and managing them effectively can help a business to avoid crisis and reach its full potential. As a risk consultant, you may specialise in…
Would you describe yourself as a perfectionist? You may be prepared to work extra hours to make sure every piece of work is completed to the highest standard. You may meticulously check that every detail is correct or be unable to leave a task unfinished. Having traits like these is by no means a bad thing, and employers certainly appreciate employees who have a strong work ethic. However, being a perfectionist at work can be harmful to your productivity. If you’re spending too much time on making something perfect, you may lose sight of the bigger picture and purpose behind…
Looking for a new career that’s going to really make a difference? Becoming a healthcare lawyer could be a great option. Although not the easiest profession to get into, the benefits of becoming a healthcare lawyer are vast. Here, you’ll discover more about this lucrative and rewarding career option and how you can get started. Why consider healthcare law? There are a lot of specialities you can choose within the legal profession. However, healthcare law is by far one of the most rewarding; particularly if you opt to be a claimant lawyer. This will allow you to take cases on…