Author: CareerExperts

Habitually, people will overlook the need for editing their written work. More often than not, students’ grades drop, theses get unaccepted, bosses lose their cool over poorly written reports, and important documents are misconstrued simply because the final work was not edited before submission. Even the most seasoned writers need to have their work edited. Why is that, given they can write? We’ll tell you now about the benefits of editing. Catching your mistakes When you edit your own work, the brain routinely fills in the blanks of what you meant to say. In most cases, it’s difficult to catch…

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Shifting or moving your office could turn into a huge and scary task especially if you don’t have an effective plan to complete this project. The plan should consist of everything: Organizing till packing, and then the actual move. These things are always considered a big challenge no matter how many times you go through the relocation process. It is considered the best approach that you hire experienced, economical, and effective local movers to move all your equipment and furniture safely. You need to give your staff and clients time to prepare for the move. They need to get their…

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Getting started on your fitness journey can be exciting—until you find the scale fixated on a certain number. What’s worse is that when you first get started, you might find yourself gaining weight, which is the complete opposite of what you’d imagined.  The thing with bodyweight is that the number you see on the scale doesn’t only indicate the fat in your body. It covers all your bone mass, your muscles, the meal you had, the water in your body, and your fat. Getting an accurate estimate of the fat on its own is almost impossible using a normal scale;…

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When you are on the hunt for a career path, it can be very hard to narrow down the options. Some people set out knowing the kind of career that they want to have while others take a little longer to decide. One of the popular career choices in recent years is aesthetic dentistry. This is a career that comes with many benefits and it can be quite rewarding. In this article, we are going to tell you why you should consider a career in aesthetic dentistry. Keep reading to find out more about the great benefits you’ll receive. Rewarding…

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We are living in a world of constant technological advances and innovations. Every year brings with it a number of innovations that impact our lives to a certain degree. Smart entrepreneurs have realized how these novelties can help them better their companies and thus make bigger profits. As a business owner, you need to know how important it is to be well-organized. Without good organization and order, your business won’t grow. So, why don’t you consider taking advantage of various software tools that can help you improve certain aspects of your business? Keep reading to find out how software tools…

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We’re always chasing something—be it a promotion, a new car, or a significant other. This leads to the belief that, “When (blank) happens, I’ll finally be happy.” While these major events do make us happy at first, research shows this happiness doesn’t last. A study from Northwestern University measured the happiness levels of regular people against those who had won large lottery prizes the year prior. The researchers were surprised to discover that the happiness ratings of both groups were practically identical. The mistaken notion that major life events dictate your happiness and sadness is so prevalent that psychologists have a…

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If you want to get a high-paying job or advance in the job you already have, you probably won’t manage to do so without a college degree. Even though it was once enough to have a high school diploma to be employed, the times have changed. If you really want to succeed nowadays, you most probably need a college degree. However, college lasts for at least for years and not everyone has the opportunity or means to spend that much time studying. Luckily, there is an alternative way to get a college degree in a much shorter time. If you’re…

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Do you have a friend that only needs to look at the material to get an A on the exam? Or a friend that learns with loud music on? How about a colleague that spends only minutes preparing for meetings and yet has no problem carrying the conversation? This can be really frustrating, but it has a simple explanation: What makes these people so efficient in learning new things is their awareness of which learning style is best for them. Experts have identified seven different learning styles. If you manage to find the right one for you, the processes of…

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Landing the perfect job for you is rarely easy, but it certainly isn’t impossible. While you may know that you have the ability to excel in the role, you won’t be successful if you can’t prove it. The vast majority of job seekers don’t go above and beyond to make sure they get the job they want. It takes extra work to stand out from the crowd and the good news is by following these tried and tested 18 steps you can do it. Think like an employer If you want to impress a potential employer, you need to put…

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Recruiters need to take different factors into consideration when trying to find a suitable candidate for a vacancy. Not only do these factors describe candidates, but they also offer credibility to their claims as well. One of these factors is accomplishments on a CV. A CV including a well-described and impressive accomplishments part will most likely stand out from the others. What they are  Accomplishments are best described as something that you have contributed to with your daily tasks. It can also be an achievement that describes what kind of employee you are, or an award that you have received…

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Ladders help one reach a high point indoors or outdoors. However, ladders are not as effective as one might think. If the person climbing up there has a height phobia, the chances are that he or she will not do his or her work correctly. In addition, climbing a ladder without proper assistance could be costly to one’s life. For that reason, people are choosing to use other means to reach high points. Cherry pickers are one of the tools that people use. A cherry picker is a van with a hydraulic crane that one can use to raise and…

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‘Career’ can be a scary word. There are connotations there that suggest a state of permanence. Like once you get into a career, you are stuck forever and cannot get out. Your career binds you, doesn’t it? Over time, you become your career. Well, this doesn’t have to be the case. Careers can be rewarding, flexible and fulfilling. You just have to know how to approach them. The game of poker provides the perfect template to draw career lessons from. Like most careers, it is competitive, requires a high degree of skill and specialisation, demands long term focus and dedication,…

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In just a few short years, the iGaming industry has become one of the biggest in the world. Expected to reach as much as $103 billion by 2025, this fast-paced, innovative industry is growing by the day and offers numerous career opportunities for everyone from new graduates to experienced professionals. What is the iGaming industry?  iGaming is an umbrella term that covers online activities like real money gaming, sports betting, lotteries, bingo, competitions and online poker. Industry leaders include gaming platforms such as PokerStars Casino and specialist game developers like Ubisoft. However, there are hundreds of other companies operating within the various…

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Running an office Secret Santa gift exchange is an excellent way to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. However, buying for a colleague can be challenging especially when you’re on a tight budget. If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve got some excellent options for you no matter what your budget. Up to £5 Budget Options 1. Paladone Face Mats Drinks Coasters This set of double-sided face mask coasters will give everyone in your office a good laugh. They’re the perfect gift for any joker and come in at a reasonable £4.99. 2. Mini Elephant Shaped Candles Gift Set These mini…

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What do employers look for when hiring a new employee? Do they consider education to be the most important factor? Or do they prefer hiring people that are experienced? More importantly, will education and experience help you to actually keep a job, advance in your career, and make a decent salary? Those who believe that education is more important tend to cite stats related to the positive impacts of education on a person’s employability and earnings. They say that higher education guarantees a particular set of skills that can be easily translated into work skills. On the other hand, those…

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If you are exploring the idea of a future in medicine, then there are several things you need to know before you apply to medical school. 1. Take the Right Classes as an Undergrad You need to take certain classes as an undergraduate student. You will need at least one year of biology that includes time spent in the lab. You will also need at least one year of inorganic chemistry. You should plan on taking a minimum of eight hours of physics that require lab work. These skills are vital to becoming a doctor, and a large number of…

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You may have heard of imposter syndrome before, you may have experienced it yourself, or you may be suffering from it without knowing what it is. Imposter syndrome is about believing that you are not qualified for the role you’re performing, and fear being exposed as a “fraud”.  Despite there being plenty of evidence that you are good at your job, you’ll convince yourself that you do not deserve your achievements and they are down to luck or deceiving others. Unsurprisingly, this can lead you to hit a wall in your career. Clare Josa, an expert in imposter syndrome, has…

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A team that is always ready to work together and share creative ideas is vital for creating a productive environment. With that being said, establishing good communication between employees that share different opinions can be quite challenging. In order for the project to be prosperous, it is necessary for all the employees to know each other well, be supportive of each other and of each others’ ideas. What could also help is changing and expanding the workplace as well as adapting it to the employees’ needs and creating a positive atmosphere where the ideas will be shared. A successful team…

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Cryptocurrency is obviously more than just a passing fad. With British people becoming more invested in mining and trading Bitcoin, Litecoin and other digital money, it is hardly surprising that some people are employed to invest and trade in the stock. A quick glance at a few job databases may actually yield results for crypto traders. Bitcoin trading, in particular, has come a very long way since its inception. However, you don’t have to apply for a job as a cryptocurrency trader because individuals are making money from home by trading, whether they are mining blockchain, or are choosing the…

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When you’re busy at work (and let’s face it, we’re busy a lot), it’s easy to let 4 or 5 hours slip by without even getting up from your desk. Today’s work culture seems to require us to be always-on and we’re often under pressure to perform and meet tight deadlines. While our days are crammed, breaks can often be seen as a luxury that we simply don’t have the time for. Some studies have found that 62% of professionals tend to eat their lunch at their desks. These statistics are worrying as we all know that taking breaks is…

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