Author: CareerExperts

The legal field is one that is broad and requires comprehensive study and years of training for someone to receive the distinction of being a lawyer. Becoming a lawyer is a convoluted process that requires a deeper understanding of laws, legislation, declarations, and other areas of jurisprudence. The importance of lawyers in guaranteeing our rights can’t be undervalued. Most people go through life without caring enough about the law or bothering with the critical steps that go into the process of hiring the right lawyer. While we might still seek professional help from specialized lawyers to win a personal injury…

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You might think that you will not need an estate lawyer any time soon. After all, you are healthy, you still have years ahead of you, so why worry about it now? Well, like it or not, life is a big unknown, and there is no guarantee that you will be here tomorrow, let alone years from now. Wouldn’t it be better to ensure that if anything does happen to you, your family is still able to provide for themselves and they do not have to go through a messy process just to get what you have left them after…

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Frightening and confusing are two words that can accurately speak to one’s state of mind post-accident. Often, the anarchy brought by the legal and non-legal aspects affects the involved parties deeply. Therefore, to eliminate the suffering of the involved parties, lawyers usually seek a quick and immediate solution outside of the courtroom. Lawyers often demonstrate shrewdness, as they negotiate their way through the settlement. Some battles they win, and some they lose. But on every occasion, a good lawyer knows that their competence in knowledge, experience, and skill will not be enough, and they might need to resort to another’s…

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An organization’s employee is a walking embodiment of that organization in terms of character, leadership, and culture. They are usually viewed as a reflection of that organization. For this reason, hiring new employees is one of the core businesses of many organizations as they seek to recruit individuals who will be able to live up to the company’s reputation, culture, and aspirations, among others. Therefore, the recruitment process should be made as rigorous as possible to sieve the large pool of applicants and get the right match for the organization. This calls for extensive screening processes which usually help recruiters…

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eCommerce is an ever-expanding world. The intensifying of the purchasing power of global consumers, the increase of social media users, and the continuously progressing infrastructure and technology make the future of eCommerce more vibrant than ever. Yet, today, as the COVID-19 pandemic attacks global health, its wake has also threatened the market economy and businesses. However, in the eCommerce world, despite the risk of being affected by delivery problems and missing orders, eCommerce businesses are in a unique position. As online retailers, these companies can mitigate the economic effects as long as they come up with proper strategy and planning.…

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Finance covers a number of areas where you can pursue your career goals such as in investment banks, insurance, risk management and compliance, as well as in the government. Nevertheless, the financial sector is commonly broken down into a personal, corporate, or public category, each requiring a certain skill set and mindset. As such, below are some of the details on what is required to grow a career in finance. Formal Accounting Qualification Whether you intend to be a financial advisor, a portfolio manager, or an investment banker, you need to be able to complete a formal accounting qualification. A…

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Would you like to keep your employees motivated? If the answer is a big yes, read on to find out how you can do this: 1. Try as Much as You Can to Make Your Business A Great Place to Work Employees who work in a dingy, boring space can lose motivation at work. On the other hand, employees who work in an attractive, functional and enjoyable workplace stay motivated at work. One of the best ways to make your business a great place to work is to have updated and functional equipment. For instance, you can replace that ageing…

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Research shows that most people complain once a minute during a typical conversation. Complaining is tempting because it feels good, but like many other things that are enjoyable—such as smoking or eating a pound of bacon for breakfast—complaining isn’t good for you. Your brain loves efficiency and doesn’t like to work any harder than it has to. When you repeat a behaviour, such as complaining, your neurons branch out to each other to ease the flow of information. This makes it much easier to repeat that behaviour in the future—so easy, in fact, that you might not even realize you’re…

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Paying taxes is a good thing to do as a civic duty, but also an important thing for everyone. Failure to do so can expose you to significant liabilities. Every time you flaunt any tax regulations, you are at risk of receiving a hefty tax penalty. When it comes to avoiding the penalty, the first thing you need to know is the type of penalty, so that you can find ways to prevent it.  Below is a list of penalties and how to avoid them. Being Late To File Returns It is a common problem for most people. Sometimes you…

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Becoming an insolvency practitioner (IP) isn’t a career path that most people consider pursuing, even though it could be a popular and lucrative profession for graduates. That might be because not a lot of people know much about this industry and the role an IP plays. So, let’s look into some related terms first, then we will discuss the possible ways of becoming a successful insolvency practitioner. What Is Insolvency? There’s a common misunderstanding that insolvency is the same as the bankruptcy or liquidation of a company or an individual. But this is not true, even though insolvency could in…

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Invoicing is a complex and challenging process, yet necessary in a business. Every month’s end period is crucial to the Accounts Payable Department especially when verifying and reconciling invoices. Oftentimes, they would encounter problems when tracking down lost invoices and payment status. These are known problems that would result in time inefficiency and unproductivity, and worst, affect the business relationship between vendors and customers. Those recurring issues are harmful to your company’s image, but you can choose to avoid them.  If you have experienced these circumstances, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. Now, the question is what are…

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Law firms are an amazing place to find lawyers for different types of cases. It might be difficult for an individual seeking legal help to find the right lawyer at the right time and without any hassle. Finding lawyers who can deliver you justice is no less than a challenge. And even a few years ago, law firms were scarce and independent lawyers were more, which made it more difficult to find lawyers quickly. Plus, these freelance lawyers would also charge quite a lot owing to the dearth of law firms where lawyers could be found easily. But with law…

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E-commerce is an effective platform that brings together every item that a human being could ever require or crave for in his/her lifetime and delivers those items on the doorsteps of their valuable customers. The platform has been around for years now and continues to expand its customer base with every new product and each new day. Having said that, those who are looking to increase their E-commerce business sales must understand that the platform that runs so smooth and without a glitch, has a world of technical and cyber intricacies associated to it that contributes to the same effect.…

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Whether you are fresh out of college looking to join university, or a working professional looking to further your education or change careers, finding the right university to attend is essential. You need a university that will give you the right education to meet your career goals. Two of the most crucial factors you look at when selecting an institution include course quality and accreditation. However, while these are the major ones, there are a couple of other factors that are essential for your well-being as a student. Some of the other details you should not overlook include the following:…

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We’re currently experiencing a pandemic that is turning our normal routines upside down. Many of us are working remotely and schools and nurseries are shut down, which is leaving parents in a challenging position.  If you’re currently working from home while looking after your kids, there are a few strategies you can put into place to make this unprecedented situation a little easier. 1. Divide and conquer where possible If both yourself and your partner are currently working from home, devise a new schedule where each of you will be responsible for your children at different points during the day.…

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More than often, college specialisations end up determining the course of your career in the future. Hence, most high-school students often face a tough dilemma while choosing their college education. It can be especially difficult for you to choose a single stream if you are interested in a wide range of disciplines or want to keep your options open. Fortunately, there is a simple qualification that lets you explore multiple career paths and provides you with the essential skills required for any career domain. Pursuing an Associate of Arts degree can also be beneficial if you want to join the…

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When people used to say that they worked online, it was often met with scepticism. Now, remote work is becoming more common for both employees of traditional businesses and entrepreneurs. If you’re interested in landing a remote job in 2020, you might be at a loss for where to look. Here are six steps to help you get the remote job you want. Do Some Soul Searching Having a remote job sounds excellent on paper. You can work in your sweatpants and don’t have to concern yourself with a morning commute. While there are a lot of benefits to remote…

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TalentSmart has tested more than a million people and found that the upper echelons of top performance are filled with people who are high in emotional intelligence (90% of top performers, to be exact). The hallmark of emotional intelligence is self-control—a skill that unleashes massive productivity by keeping you focused and on track. Unfortunately, self-control is a difficult skill to rely on. Self-control is so fleeting for most people that when Martin Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed two million people and asked them to rank order their strengths in 24 different skills, self-control ended up…

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At this stage, it’s clear that coronavirus is here in the UK and it’s here to stay. The number of confirmed cases is increasing daily and it’s important that employees and businesses are cautious and prepared. If you’re unsure about whether you should be going to work in the current climate, you should follow the current NHS advice: Stay at home if you have any coronavirus symptoms For many healthy people who do not fall into high-risk groups, even if you do contract COVID-19 you may only experience mild symptoms for a few days. While you may not feel particularly…

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Being busy has somehow become a badge of honour. The prevailing notion is that if you aren’t super busy, you aren’t important or hard working. The truth is, busyness makes you less productive. When we think of a super busy person, we think of a ringing phone, a flood of e-mails, and a schedule that’s bursting at the seams with major projects and side-projects hitting simultaneously. Such a situation inevitably leads to multi-tasking and interruptions, which are both deadly to productivity. “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” -Socrates David Meyer from the University of Michigan published a study that showed that…

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