Oftentimes, the reason you’re not getting enough job interview invitations isn’t the lack of professionalism in the field. It might be your CV, poorly constructed or just plain. The first thing a recruiter sees is a resume and additional documents like a cover letter, portfolio, etc. They don’t see you, they can’t realize how great you are for their team. So, it’s worth to make the resume perfect, engaging, interesting, so that any HR specialist wants to know more. If you’re in need of more interview invitations and really want to find a perfect job, we have several tips for…
Author: CareerExperts
At this point, it would verge on unnecessarily repetitive to talk up remote work. Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses must support a distributed workforce. Even once the pandemic finally ends, it is likely that many people will at least occasionally wish to continue telecommuting. In a recent survey carried out by public research agency Pioneer Institute, nearly 63 percent of respondents indicated a desire to work from home once a vaccine has been developed for the coronavirus. What’s more, 65 percent of respondents expressed a desire to work from home at least two to three days a week,…
Introduction With school fees, transport costs, and money spent on daily necessities, it’s no surprise that a student’s financial load can easily rack up into the thousands. The problem is worse when you realize that most students don’t have full-time jobs or a steady source of income. Instead — wealthy parents aside — many university undergraduates get along with the help of a hefty student loan and make do with a meagre monthly allowance. In such a situation, you might be tempted to take part-time jobs in your free time to make ends meet. This is especially if you want…
From an early age, the importance of exercise and staying active is drilled into us both in our home life and at school. Whether you grew up playing sports or enjoyed physical activity, you may have carried it on into your adult life. For those who are passionate about staying fit and active, you may want to share your words of wisdom and expertise with others who can follow the same path. While some people do this as a hobby, there are many careers that you can embark on which can be great platforms to motivate others to keep moving.…
Self-storage companies are becoming more popular as a business choice these days because of the ever-increasing demand for them. With houses becoming smaller a typical family is going to need somewhere to store excess furniture. If you have considered creating a self-storage company but have had no idea where to start here are some good tips to put you in the right direction. 1. Examine the competition Before you go off and start a self-storage business you should examine the competition in your area and see what they are doing and if there is room for a new storage company…
When it comes to career, the most important thing is to love what you do. Yes, you can have a good salary and no one says that that aspect is irrelevant, but if you want to succeed and be really good at what you do then you have to enjoy it. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, especially if we’re talking about a job that generally doesn’t bring a lot of money. Luckily, that’s not the case with blogging. In the last couple of years, this hobby like many others of this kind has become a huge, rising trend. The…
The Covid19 pandemic has affected the entire world. Not a single person was ready for such an event. The quarantine that has touched everyone on earth has brought a significant amount of damage to many areas of activity. Only a few activities were not affected by the pandemic or, conversely, made a profit. For example, such activities include online casinos. Its popularity has grown. Here we will tell you about job searching and about the benefits of considering non uk license casinos. Building a career in a pandemic With the advent of quarantine, many businesses were forced to close for a…
Even before the coronavirus pandemic struck, millions of people around the world were already working from home. But in the last few months, millions more have been forced to work from home to reduce the spread of infections. As working from home becomes the new reality, teams from across industries are facing a very strange test to their productivity. If you and your team are just getting started with working from home, then you are probably looking forward to a lot of things. You can set your own working hours and work in a more relaxed atmosphere. You can save…
Progressing our careers is something we fight fiercely for on a daily basis. Any bit of information we can take in to get to the next step is graciously accepted and worked upon. Training days, home research, and on-the-job experience are the common ways to really get a grasp of your industry in order to take it by storm. But they aren’t the only ways in which to do so. Thinking outside the box is a skill many employers value in their employees. Taking a project and looking at it differently to progress and make it better is not only…
Conviction in a leader is an incredibly valuable yet increasingly rare trait. It’s in short supply because our brains are wired to overreact to uncertainty with fear. As uncertainty increases, the brain shifts control over to the limbic system, the place where emotions, such as anxiety and panic, are generated. This brain quirk worked well eons ago, when cavemen entered an unfamiliar area and didn’t know who or what might be lurking behind the bushes. Overwhelming caution and fear ensured survival, but that’s not the case today. This mechanism, which hasn’t evolved, is a hindrance in the world of business,…
Studying In Singapore Looking for a place to study? Somewhere outside of your comfort zone? Maybe in a whole new and different country? Why not consider going to Singapore for your educational experience? Singapore is known to be one of the leading countries when it comes to research and innovation. The country has many well known and world-class universities and has an international standard of education. Not to mention, all this can be had at an affordable price. Singapore is a global education hub that many students go to because of its many achievements and initiatives such as the “Global…
There are few things more satisfying than complete immersion in a task. Few things more fulfilling than allowing everything else, from your immediate surroundings to your worries, to melt away. This is a state of being known as flow, and it is in many ways at the core of job satisfaction, creativity, and productivity. As noted by psychological publication Positive Psychology, the concept of flow can be traced back to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Long-fascinated by the single-minded focus of artists and creatives, he set out in the late 1970s and early 1980s to gain an understanding of what drove them.…
When hiring, background checks are essential to every organization. If you own a company or a business, a poor hiring decision might lead you into losing business or goods due to unfaithful or stealing or inefficient employees. Hiring can also determine whether your business will grow or fail, depending on the people you hire. According to experts, some of the more considerable expenses that happen to companies include the hiring expenses since you have to locate, interview, and train the new employees. You can limit this by using the right procedure. Here is the process. Step 1: Inform the Employee…
If you’ve come across the word compliance, matters such as rules, standards, and regulations may jump into your mind shortly afterward. While compliance revolves around standards and obeying rules, it also relies on ethics. The compliance industry has expanded over the years to cover finance, environmental management, health, telecommunication, information systems, among others. Thanks to compliance, ethics and standards in the performance of services and the sale of goods are maintained to satisfy consumers and businesses. If you’re thinking of becoming a compliance officer, this article sheds light on various applications of compliance. What Is The Job Description? Being compliant…
One of the best episodes of the American iteration of the TV series “The Office” is the one where office manager Michael Scott hands out his meaningless but hilarious Dundie Awards, where strange and often offensive things are celebrated with the awarding of trophies to employees. While we don’t recommend that you award Kevin from Accounting the “Don’t Go In There After Me” award, presenting employees with funny and clever engraved trophies detailing their superlative awards at your next office year-end party can not only be funny, but it can also help build a team and bridge the gap between…
Videography is a tough career to get into and can be tough for the most experienced professionals. In this article we will look at some of the ways in which you can have a successful videography career, how you can run a successful videography business and general tips and tricks for the industry. So with all of that said, let’s start with getting clients as you don’t have a business without them. Start with family and friends People say that you shouldn’t work with your family or your friends and in some situations this is true but as a videographer…
The work from home trend is up and about nowadays. Due to health risks, working in offices is heavily discouraged, and people are now forced to shift in the digital world. First, you must accept that independence is what this field is all about to start your work from home career. You also need to invest more on this since you have to have a desktop or laptop and subscribe to an internet service provider. Here are seven digital careers perfect for work from home and their responsibilities to help you choose which career path to take. 1. SEO Specialist…
Collections Strategies For Efficient Cash Flow We try to evade collections as much as possible. Unfortunately, in business, outstanding amounts can negatively affect cash flow and impact your company’s growth. To make things easier, you can try out the following five plans to increase your business’ chances of getting due cash punctually or even earlier than the stipulated deadline. You can also try this bank recovery and collection software to get the job done. 1. Request for advance payment as much as possible Before embarking on a new deal, make sure that you have sufficient cash to fund it and…
One of the questions you get asked in a work interview is what skills do you have. This is because you need to have a certain number of technical skills to be qualified enough to get the job. Usually, employers require these skills so they can be confident that you’d be able to perform your tasks as efficiently as possible. However, there are other non-technical skills that enable you to fit in any environment and ensure that you can adapt to any changes you’re faced with. Here are four surprising skills that will impress your coworkers. 1. Problem Solving Many…
According to one study, an average job search usually takes 55 days, which is about 9 weeks, but in most cases, there is a chance that the search will take longer. There are several reasons why it takes so long, the main reason being the unfulfilled requirements of the company, which usually do not correspond to the skills of the employees. There are, however, several other reasons for the delay in finding a job. Normally, it takes weeks to accept a job in high positions such as the CEO, the President, or the Director. The most effective way to apply…