If you are looking to achieve your college degree, there may be a few places that will pay for it instead of you. How is this possible? This guide will talk more about it.
We know that a college education can be expensive. Even with some schools offering tuition-free education, it’s always a good idea for someone to get a head start on their dream career.
If you are paying for education, you may get some help other than financial aid. The companies we’ll be listing below are based on various careers you want to pursue.
They can pay for your education, but that can come with a job opportunity on your end. If you want to pursue a career and want it to pay off your education before you graduate, keep reading.
Raytheon Technologies
Yes, electrical engineering can be a complicated career. Because you’ll be dealing with situations that may require complex problem-solving.
Plus, it’s a great paying job right out of college. There may be large companies that employ electrical engineers that will pay for your college education.
One of them is Raytheon Technologies, which works with industries including space, defence, and intelligence. They will offer assistance depending on the courses you are taking and even the degree programs such as electrical engineering.
College students who become part-time employees of UPS can get up to $5250 in tuition assistance each year. This can include a maximum of $25000 in their lifetime. They will be eligible for this as soon as they are hired.
Many of the higher-ups at UPS had started working for the company as part-time employees. Whether you are putting in the miles or an executive, they have benefited from working for the place that Brown can do for them.
Employees for the company will receive 100 per cent of their tuition paid for upfront. These schools need to be part of the Disney Aspire network. The benefits of this program will apply to full-time and part-time employees.
So they can acquire a college education while hanging out with Mickey Mouse and the gang. Later on, they can pursue a career of their choice. Or they can stay in the “Magical Place On Earth” for as long as possible.
Home Depot
Employees at the Home Depot can get up to $6000 each year for tuition assistance for those who are working full time. Part-time employees can get $3000 and $2500 for immediate family.
In fact, Home Depot and Bellevue University are in a partnership where students can defer payments to them after they receive the assistance.
If they choose to transfer, they can do so without any additional fees.
With their partnership with Guild Education, Wal-Mart employees attending college can earn their college degree through their Live Better U program. High school students can also use the program to earn college credits and study for prep courses for the ACTs or SATs.
This also covers their education such as online learning.
Apple University is designed to cover some of the formal education that is required for their employees. This is assuming that students continue their career at the company after graduation.
What makes this a great program is that you can get reimbursed for some educational expenses including tuition. If there is one more good reason to work for that place on One Infinite Loop, you could get a bit more money back as a nice little graduation gift. Wouldn’t that be awesome to have.
Final Thoughts
College doesn’t have to be too expensive. But these companies listed above are doing their part in helping their employees pay for it. Some of them may need to continue working for the company after they graduate.
This is a good opportunity for a student to get their foot in the door. Whether it’s a stepping stone towards a promising career or a place to start somewhere, you can work at any of these companies and reap the rewards of going to school.
It may not be too late to take advantage of these programs. Check them out today and see what you need to do in order to qualify for the benefits.