Earning some extra money from the comfort of your own home can be a huge bonus whether you have other employment or not. It brings in an extra income that you wouldn’t have otherwise, which means that you have extra money to do with what you want, whether that is paying off your debts or booking a holiday. If you find these alternative revenue streams to be particularly lucrative, they could even replace your 9-to-5. However, it is important to note that some of these methods are easy, and some are more challenging.
Read on for more information.
Survey Sites
Some survey websites offer a small compensation for your time. These rewards are often smaller, but they can build up over time. This method is better suited to those looking to supplement their income as opposed to replacing it. However, there are some sites that are less than reputable, so be sure to do your research before giving them your details.
Some websites offer money to their users when they offer out referrals. All you need to do is set up an account and forward some details to your contacts in order to earn. Some sites offer a flat fee, and some offer a commission depending on how many people sign up using your code. For example, Lebara, which is a phone network that offers sim only plans, has a referral scheme. So why not try this to earn money from home?
Website Testing
Some third-party websites or even websites in their own right will pay people to record their thoughts about a website. It does not require any special IT knowledge as you are meant to represent the common customer. Your thoughts are then used to make the site more user-friendly. You will need to record your thoughts while visiting the site; this is most commonly done by speaking them into a microphone. On average, these website assessments can take between ten and fifteen minutes, and you can earn a fiver a time.
Rent Out Your Driveway
Obviously, this one is only good for those who have a driveway. If you have a drive that is not used much or if it is empty during the day while you work, then why not rent it out? If you live in a residential area relatively near to a town centre or a lot of businesses, you could rent out your driveway. You can choose what to charge, and it is a great way to earn a passive income.
Market Yourself & Your Skills
One of the easiest ways that you can make good money from home is by capitalising on your existing skills. This could be any number of things, and if you schedule your tasks well, it can fit around your lifestyle. For example, if you enjoy ironing or sewing, then you could offer your services out. Some people truly loathe chores like ironing, and so they would pay for others to do this for them. You can work from home when it is convenient for you. You could also offer alterations if you are an experienced sewist.
You may have other skills such as writing or design that you can use to your advantage. There are lots of freelance websites out there. All you have to do is build a profile and list your skills. But, again, this can fit around your current responsibilities and depending on your skills, you could charge quite high premiums.
Sell Your Clutter
Most people have a lot of clutter in their homes. First, go through your things and put aside anything that you don’t want or need anymore. Then, you can list these on online marketplaces such as eBay or Depop or Vinted, or even Facebook Marketplace. Listing these items is really easy; all you have to do is take a few photos and write a description. Also, depending on where you decide to list them, you can have your customers pick their items up, which saves you the hassle of posting them out.
Matched Betting
The basic idea of matched betting is when you make a bet on both possible outcomes. You can do some research and consult a number of resources that can advise you on how bookmakers use maths, and you can then use this in your favour. Matched betting almost always guarantees returns.
Blogging & Social Media
Firstly, it is important to point out that blogging and social media can be a long game. It takes time to establish yourself and build a good following. The key is perseverance and consistency. If you post good content regularly, then your following will build naturally. Your content does need to be of extremely high quality in order to attract a fan base. If you are using social media, then try to stick with a theme or an aesthetic style. If you want to blog, then you should try to come up with a niche, something that separates your content from the others out there.
Once you have established yourself, you can begin to explore the revenue streams available to you. This could be affiliate marketing, sponsorships, advertising campaigns, paid ads and more. For the most part, companies will expect you to create some content around their product, or you will need to promote it in some way. However, if you are successful, you can turn this venture into your full-time job. There are a lot of bloggers and social media influencers who earn mega money. The higher your follower account, the more money you can expect to make.
In Conclusion
Most people would love to earn a little extra cash. In fact, earning money from the comfort of your home is often a popular aspiration. This extra income can make a huge difference. The method or methods that you choose will depend on how much time you have, your other responsibilities, your skillset and your determination. It is simply a case of choosing what you are realistically able to commit to.