Every business wants top-tier talent, and that motive is never more crucial than for those working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. There can really be no compromises here.
Where other firms might have potential employees competing rigorously over a position, when it comes to those working in STEM fields, it’s often the case that employers themselves must pull out all the stops to appeal to job hunting STEM graduates. If you’re in this situation, you’re no doubt asking yourself; what can I do to give my company an edge here?
After the jump, you’ll find a quick list of helpful hints to help give you some direction here.
Hire a Dedicated Recruitment Agency
Finding the right person for the right role is often a teamworking endeavour, and that is especially the case in STEM fields.
This is because these highly specialised roles need absolutely thorough hiring practices. Things like the quality of education and internships, alongside real practical experiences, tend to matter a great deal more here. Additionally, because graduates in this field are often skilled to an impressive degree, it is often the case that firms will headhunt them, rather than sitting around and waiting for an application.
There’s a lot to do here, and dedicated recruitment agencies can alleviate much of the required busy work no doubt resting on your shoulders. Recruitment agencies like Sigma Recruitment are an expert technical, manufacturing, and engineering recruitment agency. They can give you a direct line to the STEM graduates whose skills are optimised for roles in things like aerospace, automotive, and electronics manufacturing. With their help, you can onboard exciting new talent that’s perfectly poised to reframe the future.
Situate the Business in an Appealing Location
Not many graduates want to take up a position in the middle of absolutely nowhere if they can help it…
A survey from 2016 found that many graduates were more set than ever on having a good work-life balance in their new careers. For many of them, this might mean having access to things like a city’s nightlife scene or being immersed in a thriving area that has been enriched and invested in culturally. If your business is located within at least a few miles of such areas, it’ll be more appealing via local association.
Ultimately, some STEM graduates have more going on than just being a ‘STEM graduate’. They want to live rich and fulfilling lives, well-rounded and adjusted where there is room for both personal and professional growth. If your business is based in an area that is dense with excitement and activity, it might be that you’ll draw in the latest and greatest talent as a direct result of that.
Impress Existing STEM Personnel
If you have any existing STEM personnel, then pleasing them could go a long way in securing additional talent.
You could do this by offering some form of flexible time, homeworking opportunities, pay rises, adopting environmentally friendly practices, or by implementing a more fun, open, and personable work culture. Think of all the ways in which workers are made happy at work, and wherever you can, try to enforce those measures. This is a great way to make your firm really standout and appeal to the masses.
If you go the extra mile here, existing STEM workers will not hesitate to pass on a good word to those they know in academia, such as family friends or past colleagues. Eventually, word might extend to the graduates. After all, all students are told of the importance of contacts after university, so it’s best to operate under the assumption that certain workers you already retain will have some access to the next generation of talent.
Help the Schools
There will not be any STEM graduates if the entirety of today’s schooling population opts to study arts and humanities instead.
However, many businesses are working closely with schools to help raise awareness on the importance and viability of STEM subjects, attempting to combat the apathy and skills shortages that have led to thousands of vacated STEM jobs in their respective industries. It’d be a worthy endeavour to join this cause, collaborating with any willing schools that share your concerns. There will likely be many.
For example, you could lead a presentation during one of their assemblies, detailing all the perks of studying and working in STEM areas. Higher pay, more numerous and secure employment opportunities and exciting project developments could all be worthwhile talking points. If you can engage the youth of today, you’ll pave the way to a brighter future for all.
Children likely gravitate toward the creative arts because of their imaginations, and fear that STEM subjects will quash that side of them. However, nothing in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics was ever achieved without creative flair and ground-breaking visions. If you can tap into that side of things in your pro-STEM dialogues, you’ll lay a memorable foundation for the forthcoming waves of STEM graduates. It all starts in school!